Please promote this theme for events everywhere this Summer 2015!
The above flyer is posted at:
(This page last updated June6-10:30amPDT) --- Text of above flyer:
Start of S.O.U.L. Tour
The Summer of Unconditional Love
June 21st 2015 – The day the World said YES TO PEACE!
Martin Luther King World Peace Flame from National Civil Rights Museum, TN
Rainbow Uprising Peace Poles for the White House and for Jerusalem Israel
Human Hive Experiment
Rainbow Uprising of Consciousness
To Fulfill The Prophecies of Peace & Harmony for Our One Human Family
May the World Peace Flame Kindle the Light of Unconditional Love in All Hearts!
- Noon Sun14June UCSB Tree of Peace SOUL Tour Send-Off Ceremony -
- 21June World Peace and Prayer Day, Lakota Ceremony, Ashland OR -
- 26June SF Indigenous Peoples United Nations (IPUN) Charter Signing -
4July NoCal Rainbow Family Gathering * 15July Hopi * 20-28Aug Taos * 21Sept UCSB Tree of Peace
----end flyer text
In 1980 at the end of the Long Walk for Survival from San Francisco to Washington DC, I introduced a blank log to become the Peace Pole for The White House into the end ceremony with many people chanting and drumming the Na-Mu-Myo-Ho-Ren-Ge-Kyo universal medicine word mantra with the Most Venerable Nichidatsu Fujii across the street from The White House in Lafayette Park. Fujii Guruji, as Mahatma Gandhi called him after taking up this same drum and mantra in his daily prayer practice, on our request had one of his monks inscribe the mantra calligraphy on that peace pole on which many symbols of peace were later added during its lifetime and use and many events including Rainbow Family Gatherings until it got too old and worn out and was burned in the Spring of 2015 by Felipe Chavez at his ceremonial grounds in Florida, as had been suggested years earlier because it was being misused by people as some kind of art object for personal purposes instead of as simply as symbol of the message of peace.
In August of 1994 at the World Unity Festival near the Grand Canyon a blank log was introduced to become the Peace Pole for Jerusalem. The story of its introduction to lightning and thunder is explained at the link below, but it too was destroyed after many years of not being able to fulfill its mission.
Therefore a new style of peace pole was created in early August 2014 and first introduced as the Rainbow Uprising Peace Pole at the National Occupy Gathering in Sacramento, where it was offered to Governor Jerry Brown to put up in the Capitol Lawn but instead it was arrested and confiscated by the Capitol Police.
The story of the original Peace Pole for Jerusalem at the 1994 Unity Gathering is at this link:
The explanation of the open source Rainbow Uprising of Consciousness Peace Pole is at this link:
Details about the Rainbow Uprising Peace Pole Ceremony and description of its related Message of Peace are at this link:
--- Here is the text of a printable one-page schedule and description of the 2015 SOUL Tour that will be carrying one of these Peace Poles to demonstrate:
That one page schedule/description is at this link:
The 2015 Summer Of Unconditional Love (SOUL) Tour
The Spirit and Message of the Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr - LIVES ON !! – symbolized by the World Peace Flame at the National Civil Rights Museum at the Loraine Hotel in Memphis Tennessee, where he was assassinated by those who wished to dispel his dream of humanity living as One Worldwide Beloved Community by sharing Unconditional Love.
But, We Proclaim that “Dr King’s Dream Lives On in Our Hearts and Minds!”, and in the symbol of that World Peace Flame where a light from it is being sent from Memphis, courtesy of the nearby Heart of Turtle Island Farm, to be carried on a three-month Southwestern USA MLK World Peace Prayer Tour to spread the “Light of Universal Unconditional Love” which Dr King devoted and sacrificed his life to share with the world.
This 2015 Summer of Unconditional Love Tour will begin on the Summer Solstice, June 21, 2015, at the Ashland Oregon 20th Annual World Peace and Prayer Day Honoring Sacred Sites Ceremony conducted by the 19th generation Keeper of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe, Lakota-Dakota-Nakota Chief Arvol Looking Horse, where the World Peace Flame will be carried by courier.
The next stop on the tour will be San Francisco, to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the UN Charter signing there in 1945, 10am Friday, June 26, 2015, at the Martin Luther King Plaza in Yerba Buena Gardens, joining the Indigenous Peace Walk from there to San Francisco City Hall Rotunda for a Noon Public Meeting with the United Nations Secretary General honoring the global indigenous leaders present, followed by a 1pm Indigenous Peoples United Nations (IPUN) Charter Signing Ceremony, as the main USA location of several such worldwide IPUN charter signing locations including Ottawa Canada and Mexico City.
Next stop will be the Northern California regional gathering of the Rainbow Family Tribe, June 28 to July 5, with a silent circle of hands ceremony at Noon on the 4th of July to pray that the nations find the pathway to peace in Universal Unconditional Love, in northern California, location to be announced mid-June.
Next stop, Hopi Villages, Arizona, July 15, 2015, to request Hopi participation in the August 20-28, 2016, Legion of Light mutual prophecy fulfillment gathering in the Four Corners USA area at a location to be announced by end July 2016, The Reunion of The Condor and The Eagle and Beyond, being convened under guidance of Chief Phil Lane Jr -
The final stop on the tour will be on September 21, 2015, the United Nations annual International Day of Peace, for the installation of this World Peace Flame on the Eternal Flame Memorial Peace Monument at the University of California at Santa Barbara, which has a plaque on it quoting Dr King in 1967, “The large house in which we live demands that we transform this worldwide neighborhood into a worldwide brotherhood. Together we must learn to live as brothers or together we will be forced to perish as fools.”
This schedule depends on funding, so if you want to financially support this work please see this page:
This Summer Of Unconditional Love (SOUL) Tour, inspired by Mayan Message
----end text one page SOUL Tour description and schedule of May 29, 2015
Please see more details and updates to this schedule and more at either of these two mirror sites with different June14 Flyers about SOUL Tour Kickoff event:
National Climate Mobilization version:
Locally created, US Flag version:
Facebook Event Page for Noon Sun14June National Climate Mobilization Flag Day UCSB Tree of Peace Sacred Flame Ceremony to Kickoff 2015 Summer of Unconditional Love Tour: 21June-Sept21
One of Two Flyers/Posters for 14June Event, National Climate Mobilization version:
Two of Two Flyers/Posters for 14June Event, locally created, US Flag version:
New Flyer-Poster at above URL, text follows here:
-----begin flyer text
The Ides of the 2015 Summer of Unconditional Love
15June Noon Santa Barbara California Plaza De La Guerra
15July Noon Oraibi Wash Picnic Area, Hopi Nation Arizona
15Aug Noon Pueblo del Taos New Mexico Kit Carson Park
15Sept Noon Santa Barbara California Plaza De La Guerra
Noon14June Ceremony UCSB Tree of Peace
June21 World Peace & Prayer Day Ceremony
June26 San Francisco Indigenous Peace Walk
July 4 NoCal Rainbow Family Tribe Gathering
July 11-12 Santa Barbara Rainbow Family bbq
July 15-30 Oraibi Wash Hopi Peace Camp
Aug 15: End of War Ceremony Taos KC Park
Aug 20-28: 2015 Global Peace Summit – Taos
Human Hive Peace Tent Experiment
Rainbow Uprising Peace Poles
Hopi Declaration of Peace for All Time
Sept15 Report Back to Santa Barbara
Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Signing of the UN Charter to Eliminate the Scourge of War
David Crockett Williams (III) (805) 708-0252 Global-Emergency-Alert-Response.Net
Rainbow Uprising of Consciousness Campaign
----end flyer text (partial video transcripts)
Rainbow Uprising of Consciousness Video 80min, plus 35min Jon Voigt messages
You can see the Rainbow Uprising Peace March for two minutes from 1hr14min-16min walking with the Hiroshima Peace Flame from the Tree of Peace, near the northwest corner of Storke Tower to install it on the UCSB Eternal Flame Memorial Peace Monument in the south lawn of Buchanan Hall, the capstone of a week of events to initiate the Rainbow Uprising of Consciousness Campaign featuring the traditional Hopi Messenger of Peace, the late Thomas Banyacya.
Rainbow Uprising Video – - 12NoonPDT June2,2015
"...everything is based on the recognition of natural law and the natural law is behind the traditions of the American Indian spiritual people, so as the people of the world recognize the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the natural law then are also going to be recognizing the sovereignty and the cultures of the Native American people, as well..." – David Crockett Williams, Rainbow Uprising of Consciousness Campaign Initiator, January 1990, Santa Barbara
Let's repeat this on a bigger scale with live video and audio uplink and recording via the internet and multiple cellphone videographers, on September 21, 2015, the United Nations International Day of Peace, installing then the World Peace Flame from the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis Tennessee at the Loraine Hotel where the Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was killed for spreading his Message of Unconditional Love behind his vision for a Global Beloved Community, a vision we will be working to realize.
Let's have a dress rehearsal on Sunday June 14, 2015, Flag Day Noon at the UCSB Tree of Peace, near the NW corner of Storke Tower, to ignite a Santa Barbara Peace Flame, to carry and install in ceremony at the UCSB Eternal Flame Memorial Peace Monument quoting Dr. King, in the south lawn of Buchanan Hall. We hope the resources and determination will manifest to send a courier with a light from this Santa Barbara Peace Flame to join the 8th Fire Prophecy Walk to Ottawa that starts on June14 and ends on June26 at one of several worldwide locations for the signing of the Indigenous Peoples United Nations (IPUN).
Sometime in 2014 the eternal flame was turned off at that monument and a plan is being put forward to relight it again on Flag Day June 14, 2015, starting with a Noon Ceremony at the UCSB Tree of Peace and another Peace Flame Pageant to the eternal flame monument to relight it, followed by installation of the World Peace Flame (from the Martin Luther King National Civil Rights Museum at the Loraine Hotel where he was assassinated) on the September 21, 2015 United Nations annual International Day of Peace at the conclusion of the Summer of Unconditional Love Tour from June 21st 2015 the Day the World Said Yes to Peace to Sept.21 per details at:
Facebook Event Page for Noon Sun14June National Climate Mobilization Flag Day UCSB Tree of Peace Sacred Flame Ceremony to Kickoff 2015 Summer of Unconditional Love Tour: 21June-Sept21
------ The Rainbow Uprising of Consciousness Campaign - Santa Barbara Initiation Events, over a week in January 1990, featuring welcoming by Chumash medicine practitioner Choy Slo and Bear Clan Grandmother Pilulah Khus, Tree of Peace and Great Law of Peace teachings by Mohawk Chief Jake Swamp, Hopi Prophecy discussionsby traditional Hopi interpreter Thomas Banyacya (author of The Hopi Declaration of Peace), Nipponzan Myohoji Japanese Buddhist Monks lead by Rev YoshidaShionin with Masao Nippashi on opening drum, interview about Tibetan prophecy with Kenpo Karthar Rinpoche the abbot of the Kagyu Order's Karma Triyana Dharmachakra (KTD) Monastery in Woodstock NY, Zen Buddhist Monk and initiator of the 1995 Global Peace Walk project Rev. Yusen Yamato, a panel discussion including community leaders Gene Knudsen-Hoffman of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, Laura Lynch then with the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and now a prominent anti-nuclear activist, Mark McGinnes of UCSB Environmental Studies Department and local SB Environmental Defense Center, scientist Bruce DePalma inventor of the n-Machine "free energy generator" proven in principle in Santa Barbara in 1979 under sponsorship of the Sunburst Community, with Hiroshima A-Bomb survivor Kaz Suyeshi who installed the Hiroshima Peace Flame on the UCSB eternal flame monument, Manzanar California WWII Japanese Concentration Camp survivor Judy Imai of the Global Walk for a Livable world which carried the Hiroshima Peace Flame after this event across the US from California to the United Nations, events organized and video narrated and produced by David Crockett Williams, filmed by Todd Swan of PAN Productions.
At 1:02:20 Jake Swamp explains and shows Jon Voigt one wampum bead, which shell beads he says are traditionally strung, into belts like the one he is wearing over his shoulder, using wild hemp fiber.
From 1:14:00 to 1:16:00 is shown the first Rainbow Uprising Peace March, from the UCSB Tree of Peace across campus to the Eternal Flame Memorial Peace Monument to install the Hiroshima Peace Flame there.
Video 2hrs including actor Jon Voigt last 40 min talking at UCSB peace flame, including discussion about the late Chumash Elder Victor SkyEagle Lopez who had planted the UCSB Tree of Peace five years earlier with Jake Swamp, about the Iroquois message and system where he cited the Congressional record volume that acknowledges the significant impact on the US system of government which was patterned in large part on the Iroquois system based on the leadership of a council of women, and stories about Thomas Banyacya and the Hopi Prophecies including the one about the House of Mica. Jon was filling in for his friend Thomas Banyacya who had to leave early to go to the second Global Forum, in USSR, with satellite linked video of that including the global debut of Robbie Romero’s music video “Is it too Late?” whose graphics include scenes from Nipponzan Myohoji’s Peace Pagoda in London. A few years earlier Jon had arranged a press conference with Elizabeth Taylor for Thomas Banyacya to deliver the Hopi Prophecy message, which he did, but none of the many reporters present could explain what that message was, so they wrote internationally syndicated articles saying they could not understand what the message was!