Speech of October 2, 1987 by David Crockett Williams
at U.C.S.B. Engineering Building, SERT Rally
(Scientists and Engineers for Responsible Technology)
[spoken at a rally located outside UCSB engineering building]
First I want to thank Paul Steinberg of U.C.S.B's Scientists
and Engineers for Responsible Technologies (SERT) for
inviting me to speak to you here today.
Today in India is being celebrated the birthday anniversary
of Mahatma Gandhi, a modern day spiritual champion of
non-violence who employed what he called "Sathya-Graha",
which means "Truth-Force". Just as the force of truth empowered
the spiritual/political revolution in India, so now will the force
of truth empower today's beginning of the 1987-1988 American
Scientific/Spiritual Revolution: To bring thought and technology
into perfect harmony with the natural order, and thereby bring
about true world peace, harmony among all life and free natural
abundance as paradise on Earth.
We are very fortunate to have Dr. Barbara S. Uehling as the new
chancellor here at this Santa Barbara campus of the University
of California which has administered the development of all
United States nuclear weapons. On July 15, ten weeks ago,
the 42nd anniversary of the first atomic bomb test near
Alamogordo, New Mexico, Dr. Uehling enjoyed a welcoming
ceremony conducted for her at U.C.S.B.'s Eternal Flame
Memorial Peace Monument by members of the local peace
movement including: A Japanese Buddhist Monk (formerly
from Nagasaki, Japan); President Harry Truman's former
speech writer; the director of Santa Barbara's Peace Resource
Center; the eldest Santa Barbaran who walked across country
last year with the Great Peace March for Global Nuclear
Disarmament (which was recently nominated for the Nobel
Peace Prize) and who subsequently walked in the Leningrad
to Moscow American/Soviet Peace Walk returning just in
time to participate July 15; myself, David Crockett Williams,
and American Peace Movement organizer; and many others.
As you may know, the eternal flame on this U.C.S.B. peace
monument has been extinguished for some time now,
supposedly because no one at U.C.S.B. can figure out
how to fix it so the wind can't blow out the flame. At that
July 15 ceremony I called for a refurbishing of the monument
and a relighting of the eternal flame, and I raised a challenge
to the U.C.S.B. scientific establishment including the Institute
for Theoretical Physics (ITP), to apply its mind-power as
strongly for the cause of world peace as the U.C.-run nuclear
weapons labs have applied scientific mind-power for war.
Today I challenge the science and technology students of
U.C.S.B. to accept the responsibility for wind-proofing
this Eternal Flame Memorial Peace Monument (which is
located in the lawn just southeast of Ellison Hall's ITP)
in time for its relighting ceremony, which Santa Barbara's
Mayor Sheila Lodge has confirmed during her recent visit
to the Soviet Union on a schedule for noon, Friday, October 30,
just four weeks from today. The flame will be re-lit jointly
by the mayor of Santa Barbara and the visiting mayor of Santa
Barbara's new Soviet sister-city of Yalta.
This may be U.C.S.B.'s most important peace gathering to
be covered by the international media, and the date is
set -- so we need your concentrated cooperation. During
my recent interview with Chancellor Uehling, her only
concern about this ceremony was an uncertainty over
whether the monument could be readied in time. Please
rise to this challenge and see that this peace monument
is refurbished as soon as possible.
Earlier this week, Chancellor Uehling spoke to the prestigious
Channel City Club in Montecito. The television news that
evening reported her statement that the University should
foster the development of new technologies. Right now,
the University of California is seeking the federal contract
for a proposed multi-billion dollar Superconducting Super
Collider (SSC). Millions of dollars of California taxes are
right now being wasted to seek this contract for California;
wasted because new empirical research invalidates the very
physics upon which this gigantic "pork barrel" project is based
and this research (about the heretofore apparently unsuspected
influences of rotation on physical properties) has been suppressed,
by intention or stupidity, at U.C.S.B. for over the past five years.
The future of science and technology brought into harmony with
nature can only be viewed through a window unclouded by the
presently taught and acknowledged compromise of the truth
about the nature of light; the Achilles Heel of Modern Science;
the hollow cornerstone of today's scientific establishment. When
it is taught and believed that the true and correct value of the
quantity C^2 [in E=mC^2] is "for all intents and purposes the same
as the scalar value of the square of the speed of light", the truth
about light is compromised and any mind so compromised is out
of harmony with the natural order -- and thereby is completely
incapable of perceiving truth and morality accurately.
We are on the threshold of a new age in science and technology
when corrected consciousness is producing discoveries to replace
nuclear and fossil fuel technologies, and thereby eliminate their
attendant dangers and pollutions such as smog and acid rains.
This Spring a researcher in India named Paramahamsa Tewari,
who is the head of the quality control board of the national
government of India's Department of Atomic Energy, [Nuclear
Power Corporation] was awarded a prize at Hanover, Germany,
for his "over-unity" electric power generator patterned after
the research of Santa Barbara's M.I.T. educated experimental
physicist Bruce E. DePalma (elder brother of film-maker Brian
DePalma). Based on an 1832 discovery of Michael Faraday, and
employing the modern machining technology necessary to provide
very low resistance electrical "brush" contacts, a spinning magnetized
cylinder generates electricity from its axel to perimeter of such
magnitude that only a portion of this output (20% in Tewari's
device) is required to drive a motor to spin the magnet. This
independent 1978 discovery of DePalma, dubbed the N-Machine
because of the large number of applications of its principles,
was first tested in 1979 in Santa Barbara and witnessed then
by investigators of the United States Department of Energy
which subsequently in 1980 helped establish U.C.S.B.'s ITP.
When I first approached then ITP director Dr. Walter Kohn
about the evaluation and significance of DePalma's empirical
experimental research regarding the influence of rotation
on physical properties such as the gravitational and inertial
properties of mass, Dr. Kohn explained to me that he was
a "theoretical" physicist and, since he "had never even been
in an experimental physics lab", before he could evaluate
these results (which if true would be "very significant") he
would have to see them duplicated and verified by an
experimental physicist of whose qualifications he was
certain. When he and others at ITP were pressed for
the name of such a person, none were ever offered.
Because these empirically observed and accurately
measured new facts are so severely at odds with the
"established body of knowledge" in modern physics,
the "theorists" seem so afraid that their cherished theories
will be invalidated that they refuse to face reality truthfully.
When new facts contradict previous explanations, we must
develop new explanations, not deny the new fats because
we think our explanations are so wonderful (or so profitable).
My periodic efforts during the past six years to open a
constructive dialogue with the U.C.S.B. physics establishment,
about these truly revolutionary physical discoveries, have
been consistently rejected. Dr. Kohn's response to the
N-Machine test verification report, issued last year by Stanford
University electrical engineering professor emeritus Dr. Robert
Kincheloe, was that it was "inconclusive". When earlier this
year I submitted to Dr. Kohn a technical paper, written for
the I.E.E.E. by Tewari of India detailing how his 12 year old
Space Vortex Theory explains the operation of his over-unity
generator, Dr. Kohn's response was that he was "not interested".
Why is he not interested? Is he ignorant? Is he stupid? Is he
interested in thinking and talking so much about the physics
and technologies of weapons and war that he is not interested
in investigating the physics behind proven ecologically beneficial
technologies which can eliminate major obstacles to world peace
and worldwide prosperity?
If Dr. Kohn really was morally opposed to the U.C. administration
of the nuclear weapons labs, why did he not say so before the
recent renewal of that contract with the U.C.? He was perceived
by the news media as the leading figure among scientists dissenting
from the decision to renew this contract, yet he was quoted as
saying that he just wanted the U.C. to "take a more active role
in the management of the labs". Why is this man constantly
lecturing and teaching about the technologies of war and
destruction under the banner of the peace movement?
How much does the U.C. get for administering those labs?
How much of that amount is under the control of people
like Dr. Kohn? How much money would be received if
California and U.C. get the SSC contract? Why was the
present director of ITP heading up ex-Chancellor
Huttenback's defense committee? Is this why research,
which invalidates all the theories behind the SSC, is
being suppressed by intention or stupidity? Scientists
and technologists who have sold their minds to the
highest bidders are mental prostitutes whose stupidity
in the nuclear age is a distinct public menace. Why
is President Reagan pushing for more Contra aid and
the SSC?
I challenge you today to investigate the facts behind
what I have said. Do the experiments and see for
yourselves. Don't believe in theories before fact.
Question the highest authorities in science today.
Look to the future and see the way to correct the
mind of science into harmony with the perfect truth
of the natural order. Let us together bring about
a true American Scientific/Spiritual Revolution to
clean up our planet, to end war and hunger and
homelessness, and to righteously and proudly
create true world peace, harmony among all life
and free natural abundance as paradise on earth,
by simply using the irresistible force of truth:
David Crockett Williams jr @ The Mesa School, 966-2813
[handwritten note added after the speech:]
November 9, 1987 Today is the ninth day of testing for
DePalma's manufacturer's prototype model n-Machine
after 9 years development and 2 years of construction.
See it for yourself - contact DePalma Institute 969-6442
----end retyped/transcribed formal written speech document
Note the new director of ITP mentioned above was Dr.
Robert Shrieffer who in 2005 was sentenced to prison
in California for killing someone while speeding in his
car driving without a license because it had been revoked
for repeated reckless driving in Florida, and then lying to
the California authorities to try to avoid punishment. The
previous UCSB Chancellor, whose legal defense committee
Shrieffer headed was convicted and fired from UCSB for
misappropriation of funds. There is a 1988 letter exchange
between Shrieffer and DePalma on the DePalma website
here Bruce called for Shrieffer's resignation from ITP
which happened a few months later before he moved to Florida.