Santa Barbara, World Peace March, Pacific Route

Santa Barbara News-Press

Santa Barbara, California

Friday, January 15, 1982

Local News

[photo, not shown here, captioned:]

News-Press photo by Steve Malone


A group of Japanese Buddhist monks and companions walked up State Street today, en route from San Diego to Seattle on a World Peace March in support of the United Nations second special session on disarmament planned this spring. Five such groups have launched marches in the United States and Canada, intending to converge at the U.N. for the session.

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One monk in front is carrying the vertical banner on a pole with the Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo calligraphy written on it. Behind him about ten paces or so is the horizontal banner being carried, reading:

The World Peace March. Set The Date.
Nuclear Free Pacific
In Support of SSDII at the United Nations
Tokyo - Guam - Hawaii - San Diego - LA - SF - Seattle - United Nations

Following the banner are a dozen or so walkers including two monks showing beating the hand drums (Tenku, celestial drums). In the back can be seen the top of my head walking and drumming too.


Carolynne and I and Micah participated in this local Santa Barbara leg of the Pacific Route, and also at the start of another of the five routes of the World Peace March across America, the main route led by Rev. Yoshida of our Los Angeles Nipponzan Myohoji Dojo that departed the Venice Pavilion in Santa Monica in October of 1981 walking towards Washington DC and the United Nations. I was able to join again in Washington DC for a few days and in New York for the ending days featuring one million people gathered in Central Park.