Group marches for peace
Walkers take message to California

Times Recorder

Serving Zanesville and Southeastern Ohio since 1864

Friday, February 10, 1995

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By Karen Stein/Times Recorder

Members of a group marching for peace stopped in Zanesville on Thursday. They will march toward Columbus along U.S. 40 today.

Group marches for peace

Walkers take message to California

By Patrick Jackson
Times Recorder

Zanesville – About 25 people are braving a Midwestern winter on a cross-country march to call for world peace.

Although the number is small now, the Rev. Yusen Yamato says he expects the group to swell to more than 100,000 marchers when the Global Peace Walk arrives in San Francisco to celebrate the United Nations 50th anniversary in June. Among the people Yamato hopes will join in at the end of the march is Pope John Paul II.

“Our people are not homeless. They are landless,” Yamato said Thursday as the group rested at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church. “All people must recognize the globe is important. We must get back to the land. We must get our knowledge back.”

Today, the group will march to Columbus along U.S. 40.

Yamato, a Zen Buddhist monk, has helped organize several global peace marches, including one that began in Auschwitz, Poland, and will end in Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, the 50th anniversary of the dropping of the first atomic bomb.

And marcher David Williams said he hopes the U.N. heeds the group’s call to peace.

“There is war in 40 countries right now,” Williams said. “And the U.N. is conscripting people to fight. The U.N. is conscripting soldiers in Japan to fight wars even thought the Japanese Constitution forbids Japanese troops to serve overseas…The U.N. needs to end its mission of being the policeman for the world and work for the cause of world peace.”

Karen Martens of Berlin, Germany, and Sondra Baque, who was born near the site of the D-Day landings in France, said they joined the march because they believed Yamato’s call for global peace is important.”

“I am walking with someone from Germany and someone from Japan because it is important for all people to realize we are a global community,” Baque said. “We are all young people and we are sacrificing six months of our lives to let people know this.”

Marcher Chris Daniels said the group has received generous support from people along the route.

“People are coming out and really being kind to us,” he said. “Everyone from the mayors, to the storekeepers and the truck drivers have come out and offered their support.”