Philadelphia Mayor's Letter

--------retyped text of Philadelphia Mayor's letter

[City Seal]

City of Philadelphia

Office of The Mayor
Room 215 City Hall
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 10107-3295
(215) 686-2181
Fax (215) 686-170

Edward G. Rendell

February 1,1995

To the Participants of Global Peace Walk '95:

As Mayor of Philadelphia, I would like to welcome all the participants of the United Nations 50th Anniversary Global Peace Walk '95 to the City of Brotherly Love.

On behalf of the City of Philadelphia, I wish to convey best wishes in your spiritual walk for peace across the United States. May your long journey be an inspiration to the millions of people of all nations who strive for global peace.

May you have a safe and successful journey.



Deward G. Rendell


----------end retyped text of Philadelphia Mayor's letter