"...to become a knowledgeable speaker
and a
Warrior of The Rainbow for
the Scientific Spiritual Revolution..."
This is the retyped text of a double-sided letter-sized
page which is a handout and was the outline used for
a 2-hour lecture by David Crockett Williams that was
done in a studio and videotaped in Studio City, California,
with the video on file to be copied and offered as needed.
\VIDEO#01\ February 7, 1996 Videotape 2 hrs:
How to Save the World: Healing & The Mind, Free Energy Science,
UFO's, and Mutual Prophecy Fulfillment.
By David Crockett Williams, Jr., author of Tetron Natural Unified
Field Theory, Chemist, Personal and Financial Agent.
An overview of the human mind dynamics that are interactive
in mutual prophecy fulfillment, science, mysticism, religion,
and spirituality. A personal chronology of the last twenty
years in the experimental and theoretical development
of Free Energy Science, what it is, why it is being suppressed,
what is needed for its fruition, how it can help save the earth
from total destruction, and how you can use free energy to
help create Global Peace Now!
Both science and prophecy say that we may have less than a
year from now to change the course of human history off of
the path towards total destruction and onto the path towards
true peace, harmony among all life, and free natural abundance
as paradise on earth. Public awareness of this information is
the way to affect this change. This is the purpose of this video
series and its supporting documentation programs. Use them
to become a knowledgeable speaker and a Warrior of The Rainbow
for the Scientific Spiritual Revolution in response to the Republican
Revolution. Today is February 7, 1996, five days after the completion
ceremony of the Sunbow5 Walk for the Earth which was conducted
across America to reveal the teaching of the Seven Fires Wampum
Belt Prophecy. The Time Has Come. We must unite as one human
family for life to survive into the next generation.
Today all life on earth is threatened by many problems associated
with the materialistic and shortsighted human activities out of
harmony with nature that have led to an oxygen crisis from massive
deforestation and fossil fuel combustion which has created global
warming responsible for increased weather extremes, flooding,
droughts, disease vectors, etc., and an ozone layer depletion
that threatens all life on earth by the imminent destruction of
the ocean's phytoplankton which produce over half of earth's
oxygen and form the beginning of the oceanic food chain.
Nuclear testing has caused lasting increases in seismic and
volcanic activity, explainable by free energy science, which
threatens cataclysmic earth changes. The danger of nuclear
conflagration still exists. All these conditions have been
predicted independently by many different religious prophecies
since many hundreds of years ago. How can this be understood
and resolved?
Concurrent with these problems over the past decades has
developed the one solution, to unify human thinking into
harmony with nature and one another. The equations of
Tetron Natural Unified Field Theory developed from 1974-77
explain a common denominator to unify our understanding
of The One Truth in the human mind's mathematically
definable consciousness orientation function of light, Tetron.
Its acceptance and use will bring harmony between religions
and science, advance human capabilities, offer command of
our natural healing power and of free energy technologies
for electric and electrogravitic propulsion as well as the
water transmitter and the radioactivity decay rate accelerator
to neutralize radioactive materials. What this means is the
restructuring of the entire global economy and the elimination
of money and government as we know them now.
I am fifty-one years old this year and since childhood my family
has been devoted to understanding the mysteries of life such
as the pyramids, lost civilizations like Atlantis and Lemuria,
crop circles, and Psi Phenomena such as faith healing, firewalking,
yogic siddhis, telepathy, psychokinesis, psychic ability, astral
projection, death survival phenomena, clairvoyance, dowsing,
UFO's, etc.
Since the age of nine years old I have pursued the quest for
truth about these matters with deep devotion, from the
perspective of a chemist, in which field I received my
Bachelor of Science degree with honors in 1969 after
discovering the limiting compromise of modern science
about the nature of truth and the nature of light. My
business experience has been in sales and sales management
of life insurance, real estate, investments, training programs,
and business opportunity products and services and today
I practice as a Global Peace Movement Organizer, as a
personal and financial agent, as a theoretical research
chemical physicist, and as a spiritual practitioner of the
global religious leaders headed by Sri Sathya Sai Baba of India.
The topics and people mentioned in this video include:
O. Carl Simonton, Wilhelm Reich, Raymond Rife
Coincidence, The Warriors of The Rainbow, Hopi, Japanese
and Tibetan Buddhist prophecies
Michael Faraday, Nikola Tesla, Bruce DePalma,
(DePalma's experiments: Spinning ball drop,
boxed gyro drop, force machine, inertial field
influences tuning fork, rotating pendulum,
collisions of rotating objects, space drive,
weight loss from rotation/precession, effect
on radio frequency, the n-Machine), Norman
Paulsen and a UFO connection, John Wheeler,
Adam Trombly, Paramahamsa Tewari,
Robert Kincheloe, Shiuji Inomata,
Richard Hoagland, Brian O'Leary.
Daniel Sheehan,
Yusen Yamato, Jack Herer
Torahk, Torahkum, Tetramentation -- The
Human Hive, The Rainbow Peace Braids,
Peace Drum, Red Cloth Ceremony, The
Peace March, The Peace Pole, American
Flag Retirement Ceremony, Rainbow Family
Gatherings, The Great Planetary Peace Pilgrimage,
Hemp for Victory, The Teaching of Offering/Respect,
The Message of Peace.
David Williams, PO Box 688, Tehachapi, CA 93581, 805-822-3309
[shows the four equations of Tetron Natural Unified Field Theory]
[definition of terms, symbols not shown here,
(named/described as)]:
(Tetra) observed
(Psi) observer
( = two short horizontal lines) equality function
(three short horizontal lines) definitional identity function
(four short horizontal lines) Absolute Identity Function
Tetron, the Mind's Consciousness Orientation function of light
The Tetron Thesis
Tetron Natural Unified Field Theory
David Crockett Williams jr.
February 8, 1996
------end of retyped document text