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Implantation of the Organizer

in the Blastocoel


Spemann and Mangold discovered that a piece of the organizer when placed in blastcoel of a blastula, would be shifted to the anterior, ventral region of the embryo by the gastrulation movements of the host, and will induced secondary embryo in this position.

Procedure :


  • 1.Select gastrulae that have sickle shaped blastopores. Remove the outer jelly membranes. Wash the embryos in dilute medium. Transfer embryos to an operation dish with a higher concentration.
  • 2. With a glass needle, make two flat wide groves in the agar bottom, they should be close together, so that both embryos are in the visual field. The grooves should be larger in diameter than the gastrulae, and not too deep. Smooth edges with a ball tip. Place donor and host in the grooves, they will orient themselves with the animal pole upward because they rotate freely in the perivitelline space.
  • 3. Prepare the transplant – Remove the vitelline membrane from the donor gastrula. With a hair loop, turn the embryo over so that the dorsal blatoporal lip faces you. With a glass needle, cut out a sizable piece of the upper lip.
  • 4. Prepare the host – Grab the vitelline membrane at the animal pole with a pair of forceps. Tear a hole in the membrane but do not remove it. This hole can be used for implantation.
  • 5. Implantation – Lift the transplant from the donor and turn it upside down. With a glass needle enlarge the slit in the roof of the host gastrula. Lift the transplant with the tip of the needle. Try to gently place it into the hole with the glass needle. Push the transplant with the tip of the needle of the loop on top of the donor. Very gently work it into the hole with the tip of the glass needle. Push the transplant to the ventral side of the blastocoel in a deep position. If the transplant remains near the hole, it may interfere with the healing process.
  • 6. Once healed, replace the concentrated solution stepwise by dilute solution.
  • 7. Leave the embryos undisturbed, but check them several times a day. After gastrulation is completed, turn the embryo dorsal side up to allow neural folds to develop normally.
  • 8. When neurula stages are reached, watch for induced neural plates and folds.