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To Save FACE

Elle McKenna stood at the corner of 1st and Grand. She was eight stories up, standing on top of the McPhearson International Hotel. It was rush hour below, and the traffic was buzzing. The wind blew softly, and it was warm out. A beautiful day. But inside of Elle, it wasn't such a good day. She had tear stains down her face, and her normally beautiful blue eyes were dull, red, and swollen. Everything had been perfect. They had worked so hard to get to where they were. And now it was all over.

It had taken a year for them to get noticed. That is actually pretty good, considering most bands take most of their lives to get noticed, if they do at all. FACE was signed to Maverick records, and six months later released a self-titled album. FACE is an acronym for the first names of its members. In order, Frank Turner, Alex Linse, Callum Anderson, and Elle McKenna. Elle was the only girl. And the founder. The album had taken a month and a half to reach number one on the Billboard top 100. The first single that was released went triple platinum, and topped charts for over three months.

When the fame began to decline a little, FACE started to fall apart. Elle knew what was happening right away, because she had been warned of it from former member of Illogic, Billy River. "Fame can kill you," He had told her, "It can creep up slowly, or just sweep over you, and you're gone. Be careful. You'll never see it coming." Illogic had fallen to pieces after just two short years of fame.

Now don't get me wrong, FACE had had their little tiffs, they weren't perfect. No one is. But they had always been able to work through them. This was different. It started when Alex discovered the wonderful world of drugs. He soon became addicted to heroine. And he wasn't the only one who was into discovery, Callum found many members of the opposite sex came with this new-found fame, and he milked it for all it was worth. Frank was just busy trying to help everyone, and stay grounded, so nobody noticed that Elle began to fade away. It started when she stopped eating. She lost weight quickly, and the less she weighed, the more she closed up. Everything had built up, and she looked everywhere for some kind of release, but always came up empty-handed.

This is what brought her to the top of the building. She looked down below, and her mind filled up with all of the things that had brought her to this point. Wasn't your dream supposed to end happy? That's what had always been pounded into her head.

Elle climbed up on top of the ledge and stretched out her arms, feeling the breeze blow through her hair. She lifted one foot, and balanced a step away from death. She took a slow, deep breath. Then looking up, leaned forward. "Too late to turn back now, El. Just close your eyes, and say 'Good-bye'." The wind sped up, and Elle felt her self soar downward. There was no sound that came to her lips. That was trapped in her throat. This was the final release. No more pressure, no more long nights, no more starvation. A loud thump. And all is completely over. This was the only way, to save face.

**I don't remember why I wrote this, but I like it. I think it was meant to be a really long story, but I condensed it and it's better shorter.**
