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Do We Leave, Or Stay?

Jersy drove her car into the 'parking lot' of her house. It was meant for more than one car, but since Jersy was the only on living here, only her shitty light blue car sat in on the cracked pavement. The house was located behind an old shut-down gas station. The sides were painted dark brown, and the paint was chipping. One of the windows was boarded up. The stairs creaked loudly, and it always seemed as if the next step you took would send you plummeting onto the ground below. Jersy now carefully climbed these stairs, and pulled out her key. There was really no need for a lock, because if somebody really wanted to get in, they could. There wasn't very much of value in the house to take. Maybe a few small pieces of expensive jewelry.
Jersy entered her small neat house and set down her bag. She wandered to her phone and saw a blinking light on the cheap answering machine. She hit the button and wandered towards the kitchen while listening.
"BEEP...Jersy, this is Mom, I guess I just missed you or something. Well anyways, I only called to tell you that a cute little house in the country just went up for sale. I really think you and Tsara* should move down here. It's much better than that hell-hole you're living in now. Think about it and call me. I love you!" The machine clicked off. Jersy sighed. It would be nice to move down there, but it was so far away. So expensive. This crappy little house was really not the place to raise a five-year-old. Jersy heard the slow creaking of the stairs, and then faster creaking. She went and opened the door.
"Tsara Christine Dixon! How many times have I told you not to run up those stairs? They could break any second!" Tsara stopped quickly.
"Sorry Mommy."
"It's all right. Go in the house." The little girl ran in. She had long brown hair, and dark blue eyes, just like her mother. "Hey LouAnn. How's your day been?"
"Hellish," the older, larger woman replied, "The boys have been hyper ALL day."
"Well, let's hope tomorrow's better."
"You're always so positive Jersy. I love that about you. I'll see you."
"Maybe you should move down south with your mom. This really isn't the place for Tsara to grow up in."
"I know. I've been thinking about that a lot lately. My mom called this afternoon."
"Just a suggestion. Talk to you later!"
"See ya." LouAnn creaked down the stairs. Jersy went into the house.

*pronounced, 'Sarah'
