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A Final Decision

"Tsara!" Jersy hollared.
"Yeah Mama?" Tsara came out of her bedroom.
"What do you want for supper? Soup or Spaghetti?"
"Okay." Jersy went into the kitchen, and her daughter followed, sitting at the table. Despite the junky exterior, their house was actually pretty nice.
Jersy put a pot of water on the stovem and began digging in the cupboards.
"What did you do in school today?"
"We painted. We had to draw something in nature. I wanted to draaw music, but Miss Elway wouldn't let me. She made me paint a stupid tree."
"That's not very fair!" Jersy poured some tomato sauce into a pan, and put long noodles into her boiling water.
"What did you do today, Mommy?"
"After work I visited one of my old friends, and then I came home. Gramma called."
"What did Gramma say?"
"What would you think of us moving down by Gramma?"
"Would I still be in Miss Elway's Kindergarten?"
"No Hunny." Jersy smiled.
"Let's go!!" Tsara got her mother to laugh.
"It isn't that easy Baby." Jersy strained her noodles and put them in a large bowl. She set the bowl on the table and got out some paper plates and plastic forks. She set the table and poured two glasses of milk. She set the sauce on the table and served up the spaghetti. While she was doing this, Tsara turned on the radio. Sheryl Crow's 'My Favorite Mistake' was on. They sat down at the table. "It's your turn Tsara."
"Okay. God is Good, God is Great, let us thank him for our food. Amen." They began eating. "If we moved down by Gramma, would we live with her, or have our own house?"
"We'd have our own house. Gramma found a cute one in the country. She really wants us to move by her."
"I think we should. Tulsa sounds like fun."
"Yeah. It is. It's been so long since I've been there."
"Yeah?" Jersy looked up.
"Let's do it, okay?"
"I think we just might Tsara Bean!!" The mother and daughter smiled at each other.
