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Meeting The Man

It was now three months later. Jersy and Tsara had sold their house, and their car. Jersy quit her job as a CNA at their local hospital, and Tsara had been un-enrolled from her elementary school. They travelled by bus from Wisconsin to Oklahoma, sending their larger items on ahead of them. Jersy had purchased a little house in the country, and the boxes of their few valuables were sitting there waiting.
The house that had been purchades was a a ranch style home with a basement. It had two bedrooms, and the basement was fitted for another room. There was one bathroom in the upstairs. The little house sat on two acres, and the yard was littered with well-kept trees and shrubs. A long driveway snaked out to the road, and a brand new basketball hoop hung over the electronic garage door. There were a few similar houses nearby, and Mrs. Dixon lived three miles away.

Jersy sat in the kitchen of her new house, putting new dishes and utensils away. Tsara was playing outside. There was a sudden and loud clammor from the front of the house as the door flew open, and feet ran in. Tsara ran into the kitchen with a little boy, and a little girl. Both were blonde.
"Mom! This is Avie and Mackie. Can I go over to their house??"
"Where do they live?" Tsara turned to the little girl, most likely Avie, who pointed to one side.
"Right next door."
"Okay. Don't be gone long, and don't be annoying."
"Bye!" Tsara and her new friends rushed out as fast as they had rushed in.

After another three hours of unpacking, Jersy decided to go find her daughter. Her stomach had begun to rumble. She walked next door and knocked. A tall muscular-looking guy with his long brown hair pulled into a ponytail answered. He was wearing jeans and a button-up blue shirt.
"Hi. I'm Jersy Dixon, and I just moved in next door." This guy held out his hand and Jersy shook it.
"I'm Isaac Hanson."
"Nice to meet you, Isaac. Do you have a little girl named Tsara who doesn't belong to you?"
"Yeah. You her sister?"
"No. I'm her mom."
"Whoa, how old are you?" Jersy chuckled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude. You just look like you're 16 or something." He quickly added, "Not that that's a BAD thing!!"
"It's okay. I kind of get that a lot. I'm 18."
"You're really young to have a daughter."
"She wasn't really planned..."
"Of course not! I mean-um...."
"Is she here?"
"Sorry! Me being rude again. Come on in." Jersy stepped inside under Isaac's arm. He turned to the other person sitting in the room. It was another blonde girl. She was on the phone. "Jessie, could you please tell Avie and Mackie's new friend that her mom's here?" The girl nodded and stood up, still talking into the reciever. "So, do you go to school?"
"No, I graduated when I was 16. I took extra classes. I wanted Tsara to have a good life, so I went to Tech School, and I got a job as a CNA back in our old town."
"Whoa. Accomplished." Isaac looked her up and down discreetly. She had on a black t-shirt and a pair of tight black pants.
"Do you go to school?"
"I just graduated from High School. I was homeschooled."
"Cool. I went to Chi-Hi. I handeled that myself after Tsara was born. I moved up there when I was 12, actually. I was 13 when Tsara was born."
"Jessie's 10...." A strange look flashed across the young man's handsome features, but quickly faded.
"I handled it."
"Why'd you move up there in the first place?"
"Tsara's dad persuaded me to. He said it was much better. He was wrong." Tsara suddenly bounced into the room, and grabbed onto Jersy's leg.
"Mommy, can I stay more-PLEASE??"
"No Hunny, we're going to get something to eat. You can play some other time."
"Not now Tsara."
"Okay..." Tsara let go of her mom's leg and took her hand, leaning against her. "Ike, this is my Mommy."
"I know. I met her." He flashed a smile at both of them.
"She's pretty. And she doesn't have a boyfriend niether..." Jersy blushed. Isaac smiled again.
"Tsara!" The little girl looked at her mom and smiled. "Come on. Let's go." Isaac walked them to the door. "It was nice meeting you, Isaac." Jersy held out her hand, and Isaac shook it.He caught her eye and smiled, making her blush even more ruddy than she was.
"See you around." Jersy and Tsara left, and walked back to their house. They climbed into the black Carolla that Mrs. Dixon had purchased for them.