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Tell Them To Suck It

Lucy Vera Greene was not spectacular. She wasn't popular, but yet she wasn't unpopular. She was short, only the tiniest bit overweight, and working on it. Her hair was dyed dark red with purple streaks, and her eyes were gray. She was pretty, but not gorgeous. A very normal 15-year-old girl. She had few close friends, but liked it that way.
Something else about Lucy-she had a crush. A HUGE crush on a guy named Cameron. Cameron Dayne. Cam was a lot like Lucy. Very normal. As normal as normal can be. He had nicely cut dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes. He played one sport, and that was soccer. He got into trouble a lot, but was a decent person. Lucy had liked him for a long time, much to the disapproval of others.
One warm spring day, Lucy decided to be daring for once, and finally ask Cameron out. She dressed in her usual type of clothes:navy blue cargo pants, and a white tank top with a navy blue cardigan. The day went pretty good. Only mildly eventful. Cam and Lucy rode the same bus, so that was where she planned to ask him out. The afternoon came, and they boarded the bus. Lucy picked a seat as near to Cam as she could get. Lots of people had told Lucy that Cameron liked her. All the signs were there....
Lucy started to talk to Cam. They had their usual casual conversation. As the bus neared Luce's stop, she took a deep breath and asked, "Will you go out with me?"
Cam just stared at her for a while, and then expression- void he answered, "No."
"Okay," Lucy muttered. Her stop soon came, and Lucy got off. She walked up to her house, and entered the front door. She went into her bedroom and shut the door.
Lucy cried for and hour and a half before she realized that crying was dumb. A waste of tears over something that was actually very small. During 'The Cry' Lucy had found everything that was wrong with her, and exaggerated it, making the tears flow faster. But for what? To find an excuse to feel so awful? Why?
Someone once said:If you get rejected, it doesn't lessen the fear of rejection, but builds on past pain and the fear only becomes stronger. This is true, but sometimes we choose to move on. Sometimes we have a good cry and tell them to suck it.

**This is a story that I wrote while I was feeling down, and it made me feel much better. Not much of a story, but I wanted to post it, to remind myslef and others that things aren't always as bad as they seem.**
