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Haunting in Life

He died. I'm sure of it, because I killed him. I shot him three times in the chest. They KNEW he was dead. I couldn't help it. He threatened my baby. How could you not kill someone like that? He told me that he would kill me, then he would take my Callie and throw him in the ocean. I could NOT let him do that to my baby boy. He had to go. So I shot him. They don't know I did it. They blamed it on a break in. Made up some story to satisfy the family. It works for me.

Ben Thorpe and I met each other when I was 14, and he was 16. We started dating, and he got me pregnant when I was 15. He said that we would move in together and have a happy life. Callum Steven Laskin was born on April 14, 2000. I didn't want to live with Ben. I knew that he was cheating on me. I knew that our relationship was over, and that he was only using me for an easy lay. I wouldn't let him do that. Not to me, and not to Cal. So I shot him.
Now Cal and I live together in my little apartment. I have a part-time job at the Dell Cafe, and I go to school during the day. It's a life without luxuries, but we're making it. Cal's one year old. It's been 10 months since they buried Ben. We're going to make it.

Jennifer Laskin walked to the corner with the grocery bag in her arms. She pulled her keys from the flat pocket on the front of her waitress uniform. She stepped up to the door of the apartment building and put the key in, allowing herself into the building. As she walked to her mailbox, she saw a strange looking man dressed in dark colors who was leaning on her mailbox, reading a newspaper.
"Excuse me?" She muttered politely. The man looked up at her with piercing eyes. She looked away quickly. "You're on my box."
"Oh! I'm sorry!" The man stepped away. "You're J. Laskin?"
"That's my name, yes." Jenni got her mail and set it in her grocery bag.
"I just moved here. I live in 2B."
"Neighbors. I live in 2C." The man held out his hand and smiled. He was young, and slightly attractive.
"Carson Hart."
"Jenni Laskin." They shook hands. "I have to get up to my apartment, the baby- sitter is probably wanting to go." Mr. Hart followed her.
"Baby-sitter? You look so young to have kids."
"What can I say? Dick of a boyfriend got me pregnant at 15." Carson looked a little ticked by that remark.
"Dick? It had to be half your fault. You went with it."
"Since when is it YOUR business?" Carson's face softened.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to stick my nose where it doesn't belong." They reached Jenni's door. "See you around." Carson turned around as Jenni put her key in the lock. When she looked up, he had completely disappeared.
Jenni stepped into her apartment, still gently shaking her head.
"Alexis! Callie! Is anybody here?" A small dark-blonde haired boy toddled over to Jenni, holding out his arms. "Hi, Baby!" She lifted him up with practiced ease. "How was your day?" The little boy layed his head on her shoulder and hugged her. A young girl walked in from the other room.
"Hi Jen. How was work?"
"Same old, same old. Cranky truckers, kind old people, and an unyielding boss." Jenni sighed.

**I have no idea what this is. It's the begining to a story, but no more. I just thought I'd post it. Maybe you could help me.**
