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Underneath The Same Big Sky

I originally wrote this one night, because the idea just kind of popped into my head. I then altered it and put it on a writing apptitude test. I then changed it back, and here it is!!

Zac layed peacefully on the dark green blanket, gazing at the stars. He sighed as he dreamed of things he'd never experienced. He fantasized of various things, cars and sports, motorbikes and rollerblades, but most of all, he thought of love. This was something the fourteen-year-old hadn't yet experienced. Sure he loved his family, his friends, his music, and his fans...But that wasn't TRUE love. True love was between two people. People with reciprocated feelings. People who caould tell each other anything. People with a bond. A bond that Zac wanted so DESPERATLY. Was there anyone out there for him? Was there anyone perfectly matched with Zac Hanson? Many people thought so, but they were wrong. Who was this girl? Did she exist? Was her hair curly? Was she pretty? Would she love him....Forever?

Zac dragged himself into the house and wearily trudged up the stairs. He entered his bedroom and pulled off his sweaty clothes. He climbed into his bed, sliding in-between the cool sheets. The moon was out, and stars scattered across the sky. As Zac fell into a dream-filled sleep, one last question flitted through his mind. Was she out there-underneath that same big sky?
