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One Of Life's Little Mysteries

A great man once said, "I think, therefore I am." So if I stop thinking,
do I disappear? And if I start thinking again, do I reappear? How can you BE
anything? You are you, and that's that. Life matters. Strange things happen.
It's uncontrollable. I always feel a presence. A lingering thought at the back
of my mind. It's always there, and yet, I can't grasp onto it. I don't quite
know what it is. I don't know if I want to know. The only thing I DO know, is
that it will come up when needed. It's the only thing solid right now. That may
change over the years, but my secret follower, my 'Guardian Angel', will always
remind me, that knowing your life could end at any moment, and realizing that
now is the time for everyone, is the most you could possibly have. And the most
delicate flower in this huge destructed garden, comes from within.
