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My Adoptions

This is my Guardian. Her name is Zia, and she is the Guardian of Death and the Afterlife. I am a Scorpio, and my Tarot Card is Death, so this has a special significance to me. The name is purely coincidental with my story, Zia's Story (She came with the name).

This is my Fairy. Her name is Veda-Shyanne. She's named after one of my TOG flowers. I like the name.

These are my couple fairies, Geneva Alexandria, and Tate Omar. Geneva is the Fairy of the Afterlife, and her name means "The Woman Defender of Mankind". Tate is her significant other, and his name means "The long-lived and long-winded", but Geneva loves him anyway. *s*

Tina the Troubled Teen

Tina The Troubled Teen.

This is Raina and Jemki and they are the parents of...


I adopted a senoch from The Senoch Adoption Agency

My Dragon

My Dolls
