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*~*I am Me*~*

I have a few of my Mom's poems which

reflect a dark period in her life and

have decided to share them with you all also...

She is much happier now...

thanks Katty


I am me...

Cannot you ever see?

That I am not a character,

From one of your many books.


You took a piece of clay...

to mold it you knew not how.

You made a statue,

but you gave no thought of how...

to put feeling into the clay.


Your thoughts and feelings...

your ideas and desires.

These were all you gave to be.

That is what was important to you.


But could you never see?

That this statue was not of cold clay?

I was real, with a heart,

a mind and a few ideals of my own


I cannot give up everything I was,

just to be what you think you want.

So now you no longer want,

that which you have created.

All I can do is sit here alone.


You are searching,

for someone or something.

That cannot be, yet you cannot see.

That I am just me.

Author: Lorna Bach


~*~ Can't You Hear My Cries~*~

Are you satisfied...

Do you know what you have done...

Are you blind to my tears...

Do you think I can continue...

To live this way...

What do you think and…...

What do you say…...


I am sitting here alone..

I listen to the radio...

And I hear the songs they sing...

Of cheating, unhappiness and heartbreak...

I look out of the window...

And see the clouds and rain...

And I fell the gloom of a...

Cold dull gray morning yet once again...


The chill of the day...

Cannot compare to the...

Chill which resides within my heart...

Of a love gone cold...

Or the ache of a tired body...

Grown useless and old...


But you will not look...

Or will not care...

To see the tears I cry...

And choose to listen with deaf ears...

Oh can't you hear my Cries...

Author: Lorna Bach

