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@}--)--~Dreams of You~--(--{@

My dreams are filled with images of you..

Leaving an essence that remains in my soul...

Tender moments here in my arms...

Lips soft and warm, pressed against mine...

I can not seem to make it through a day...

With out images of you to warm my thoughts...

You stay with me in my heart always close...

What would my world be with out you in it...

To comfort my soul and warm my heart...

I can not remember a time before you...

Nor imagine a future with you not in it...

From the moment the sun rises colouring the sky...

Till the last rays of day turn softly into night...

Your eyes...your lips...your sweet lovely face...

Tender moments, kisses shared, embraces given...

Become the most important memories in my life...

I want to hold you close in my arms...

Feel your warm soft body against mine...

Taste the sweet honey of your lips...

Run my hands across the contours of your body...

Whisper words of love as I nibble your ears...

Spin a web of esctacy to hold you to me...

Never letting you go, with out thoughts of me...

Filling your mind and warming your soul...

As only you do mine...

Author:Katty Kane

