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I must apologize to all who visited and loved this poem....

I have to rewrite it as for some unknown reason it just disappeared on well as my copy of the poem so I shall attempt to make a new one in its place I hope it will be close to the one I wrote... Thank you all Katty....

The sound of wings fluttering softly in the breeze....

A soft light illuminates the room....

On my cheek the gentle touch of a kiss....

Announces your presence to me....

It is a sense of warmth and well being....

Filling my heart with the knowledge of your love....

When the days are the darkest....

With my hope quickly fading....

All seems so lost and I am forgotten....

Your presence is felt and I know you are there....

My Guardian Angel to watch over me....

I'm never alone, you are always near....

Holding me close when danger is neigh....

Guiding me, protecting me, filling my soul....

You have been sent to watch over me....

The comfort you bring is like no other....

A Love which holds no limits....

Freely given with nothing asked in return....

God's special gift of comfort and protection....

Sent to walk silently with grace among us....

Your spirit illuminating the steps which you take....

A face that shines with eternal beauty....

The gift of comfort you freely bring....

Is wrapped as a cocoon around me....

Forming my life and leading me on....

How can I begin to understand....

Why you choose me to receive such a gift....

My gratitude is abundant....

My appreciation overflows....

Not knowing how to thank the Lord above....

For sending me one of life's most precious gifts....

My own special blessing....

A Guardian Angel

To Watch Over Me



