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~*~*~*~Just Friends~*~*~*~

You came into his life with an ut oh...

You said you wanted to be his friend...

He started out all shy and ackward...

You started to exchange information...

You talked once in a while, getting to know each other...

Friendly chats and laughter shared...

Exchanged emails and phone calls made...

You even came to meet him one day...

Time has passed and feelings grew...

Secrets shared and lies are told...

To cover up the growing feelings deep inside...

Now it is every night you are together...

You always know where the other is going to be...

And even have your own special group of friends...

But its all ok, I mean who do we hurt anyway...

After all its only a computer right...

What can be done here, Im doing nothing wrong...

Why can they not understand that after all...

We are just very good friends...

How petty and jealous they are of us...

Do they really think we would leave...

Its all in fun, just good friends thats all...

But let me ask you then my friend...

If it is all in fun, why must there be so many secrets...

Lies being told to fool us...

What is there to hide, oh I know...

It is because we would not understand...

That is easy for you to say...

You do not hear the arguments...

Feel the anger or the hurtful words spoken...

When it is you getting the best of his love...

Gentle thoughts and laughter shared...

What is left for the rest...

You may think because you will not leave...

It will all work out, but one day you may...

Turn around and find it is not you who has left...

If you look hard enough you will see...

Love that you think is real...

Is only shallow and make believe...

If you choose to compromise...

It will quickly become apparent to all...

You already have left in spirit...

No longer are you there in body and mind...

All that remains is a shell of what once was...

Author: Katty Kane

