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~~My Little Boy~~

Frogs and bugs hidden in pockets...

Mud and dirt on your face and hands...

Ruffled hair and messed up clothes...

All seems to mold you nicely...

Into the sweet little boy you are...

A bundle full of life giving energy...

Giving smiles that light up your whole being...

A strong determination to do it for yourself...

Innocent laughter that resounds in the air...

Gloves and toys spread everywhere....

Balls thrown for the puppy to fetch...

Kites flown high in the air...

Sports played with energy to spare...

These are the gifts you bring to me...

Ones which are shared each and every day...

I store them in my box of treasured memories..

To be brought out once more..

When you have grown into a Man...

No more my little boy...

I will recall with love the steps you have taken...

Which have transformed my little boy...

Into the wonderful man that you will one day become...

Author: Katty Kane

I recieved this wonderful award for this page...Thank you for the honour Julie..and please go visit her site you will love it...

