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A New King

A few weeks passed with no problems at all. Kim seemed to be himself, playful and curious. Kiara was so pleased to see how well he had recovered from Maliki's death that she decided not to tell about the baby just yet, she was afraid to spoil Kim's happiness. The pain was gone, as long as no-one got her upset. The only one to suspect something, was Nala. First she was glad Kim was back to normal again, then she started to notice things everyone didn't. Kim seemed to be himself, but...There was still something wrong.
She had seen how Kim sometimes would just sit and stare at Kiara from a distance. Especially her slowly growing tummy. He just sat there, staring, without saying a word. Nala noticed this, and some other things. Like the fact that Kim was now calling her by her name, not "grandma" as he used to. And the most noticeable thing were his eyes that used to be red, but were now green. Some other lionesses had noticed it too, but they ignored it by trying to explain it might be part of the aging, like mane growing. They knew it wasn't true, eyes just couldn't change like that because of aging, but they were scared and couldn't find any other explanation. Nala couldn't explain it either and that's why she was being cautious. And she saw how Kim looked at her sometimes. She couldn't explain it, it wasn't love, it wasn't hate, it was something in between, like...bitterness? But why would a cub like Kim be bitter at Nala? She started to worry more and more as weeks passed and ginally she felr she had to do something.
"Kiara? I need to talk to you," she whispered and made sure Kim wasn't around. "Sure, Mom, what is it?" Kiara got up and stretched her legs. "Aah," she chuckled. "You think the baby--" "Hush!" Nala hissed. Kiara looked puzzled. "Follow me."
Nala walked out of the cave, looking mysterious as an agent. Kiara followed and finally they stopped, far enough from Pride Rock. "Are we alone?" Nala asked and gazed around her. "Yes, without these rocks, a few birds and the wind," Kiara grinned. "I'm serious!" Nala said.
"Kiara, listen to me, this is very important." Kiara sat down and leaned closer to her mother. "What is it?" "It's Kim." "What about him?" "I think there's something wrong with him." "What do you mean?" "He's...he's just...he's CHANGED." "What do you mean "changed"?" "I-I don't know, I can't explain it, but..."
Nala was quiet for a while. "Kiara, I think he knows about the baby." "Kim? How could he, I haven't told him yet!" "I know, but-- he's been acting so weird. I...I believe he was trying to upset you on purpose with that crocodile story back then, to harm the child." "WHAT?!" Kiara almost shouted. "Are you crazy? Kim would never do something like that!" "Shhh, he might hear us!" Kiara lowered her voice and listened to Nala suspiciously.
"I know it sounds incredible but haven't you noticed anything odd?" "No," Kiara replied coldly. "ANYTHING at all?" Kiara shook her head. She refused to believe anything bad about Kim. "What about his eyes?" Nala asked. "What about them?" "They're GREEN, Kiara. Haven't you noticed?" Kiara felt uncomfortable. Yes, she had noticed it too, but she along others had tried to convince herself it was part of the aging. "I...Well, it can happen, he's growing up fast and..." Nala rolled her eyes. "Do you actually believe that yourself?" Kiara looked at her toes.
"Go on," she finally said voice trembling. "I don't want to upset you, Kiara, but I think...I think he wants to hurt the baby. Please, let me finish. And that's why--" she looked around her and moved closer to Kiara. "--I think you and Kovu should leave for a while and come back AFTER the baby is born safely and grown up strong enough."
Kiara looked shocked at Nala, then became furious. "How can you ever think I could leave my child like that?!" Nala sighed. "Kiara--" "No, don't you "Kiara" me! I could never take off like that and leave Kim alone, not so soon after Maliki's death! He would be crushed!" Kiara's jaw trembled and she turned away sobbing. Nala was careful, she didn't want to risk the baby. "Kiara, PLEASE. Listen to me." She looked pleadingly at her daughter with tears in her eyes. "Do you really think I would ask anything like this from you if I didn't have to? I love you so much, you're my daughter and I have no-one left besides you now when your father is gone." Kiara looked her in the eyes and saw she meant what she said. "I love Kim too, but he's CHANGED, I can feel it. Maybe, maybe he's jealous at the baby, I-I don't know how he found out, maybe he heard you talking about it or something, but I know there's something wrong. Please, it's the best for all of us. For you, me, Kim and the baby. Trust me, Kiara!" Now she was crying.
Kiara didn't say anything for a while, finally she nuzzled Nala and whispered: "Alright. I'll do it. I'll go away and come back after the baby is born and grown strong enough." She barely managed to speak. Nala smiled relieved. "I wish you both luck...I mean, the three of you luck." She looked at Kiara's belly and Kiara smiled too. "Now go tell Kovu. You have to leave tonight." "Can I at least say goodbye to Kim?" "No! No, definitely no. He would only start to ask and wonder. I'll tell him you had to find a place to relax and to be alone with Kovu for a while. You can't say anything to him. I hope you understand." Kiara sniffed. "I'm not sure I do...But I trust you, Mom. I'll tell Kovu." Nala smiled. "Good. Leave as soon as possible, tonight, maybe earlier. But don't let Kim see you two." "I won't," Kiara shook her head. "I'm gonna miss you, Mom." She leaned against Nala's shoulder and cried. "I'll miss you too, baby," Nala whispered and licked her daughter.
After this, they both headed back to Pride Rock. They were very careful and made sure Kim wasn't around when they left. First, Kovu was just as disgusted by the idea of leaving just like that, but Kiara convinced him it was the only way to know if Kim wanted to harm the cub. They ran through windy fields and pools of water, to leave no marks to follow.

In the evening, Nala was sitting alone on Pride Rock, thinking to herself, when she heard a voice behind her that she had feared to hear: "Nala, where are Mum and Dad?" Nala turned around and saw Kim, peering at her with his eery green eyes. They looked like they could see right through her, but she tried to sound as natural as possible: "Well, Kim, they left to find some peace and quiet, they never actually got a real honey moon." She smiled a fake smile, trying hard not to let it show. "Why didn't they tell me?" "They were afraid you might come with them and they wanted to be alone this time." She smiled again and continued: "I hope you're not offended."
Kim didn't reply. He sat down beside Nala and watched the sun disappearing in the horizon. He just sat an stared, he looked like he wasn't thinking anything and still it seemed he had a million thoughts in his head. That was one of the scariest things to Nala he could do.
Kim took a deep breath and finally spoke: "Nala?" "Yes, Kim?" Nala swallowed. Kim seemed to look right through her again. "If Mum and Dad are gone, if Simba is gone, if Maliki's gone, won't that make me the king of Pride Rock?"
Nala froze and felt cold shivers running down her whole body. She looked at Kim who was smiling innocently. There was something spooky about that smile, too. "Kim, I--" Kim grinned. "It does, doesn't it?" Nala was on the verge of breaking down. Yes, yes it did.
Kim, the small, little cub was now the new king. Nala tried to stop this disaster in its tracks. Why was it such a disaster? Kim was only a child.
A CHANGED child.
"Kim, you, you are too young to be a king..." "But it's the LAW, Nala. I am the new KING."
Kim started to turn away to go to the cave. "B-but, Kim..." Nala stuttered. "Why are you so worried, Nala? Relax, I promise I'll be good." Kim smiled again and turned his back on Nala.
He can see right through me, Nala thought. Gods, he can see I'm helpless in front of him. Oh, please, let Kiara and Kovu be safe, please, don't let anything happen to the baby! Beause there is something very wrong here.
Something is TERRIBLY wrong.

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