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The Hyenas

The hyena trio, Shenzi, Banzai and Ed are dangerous but also comical.
Shenzi seems to be their leader, she is the smartest (though she's not exactly Einstein either) and of course, the best-looking of the trio.; )
Banzai is a quick talker and always has a joke around the corner (good or bad).
Now, Ed...Well, he's not too smart, he can't make jokes, acually he can't even speak. Just laughs hysterically whatever happens. But he's a dangerous guy, too, when he finds out he's been tricked, so better not mess with him, either.
Shenzi's voice is Whoopi Goldberg, Banzai's Cheech Marin and ed's Jim Cummings.

"Well, well, well, Banzai. What have we got here?"
"Hmm, I don't know, Shenzi. What do you think, Ed?"
"(hysterical laugh)"

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