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Me - Jessica

Yippee! You found me!: D Well, it's your loss.; ) So, here's something you don't want to see: things about me.: ) But I think I'm doing it anyway, usually it's good to know something about the page ma(i)ne tainer.; )
Well, some of you might think I'm a human of course, but hah! That's the first thing you're getting wrong! See, I'm a meerkat, really. Above you can see a pic of the meerkat me, at the bottom you can see me and my real life mate, Chris. Generally, you could say I live a pretty average life (if there is one), I'm 15 years old, I live in Vantaa, Finland and I am a devoted TLK/SP- and Disney-fan. My favourite TLK/SP characters are Timon, Kovu and Nuka, maybe Timon a little more, as you can see.; )
I love surfing in the net, singing, drawing, reading and hanging out with my friends. And, of course, most of all I love my mate Chris.: ) I hope he'll never forget how important he is to me and how much I love him.

"Niedro budroska!" (don't ask)

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