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Two Brothers

"Kovu, you can open your eyes now," Kiara chuckled. "Men..."
Kovu opened his eyes and got on his feet. "Wha--what happened?" "You have a son, Kovu," Kiara said smiling. "TWO sons, to be precice." "What...How, I-I didn't, I couldn't...." Kiara chuckled again. "Probably because you fainted." "I-I did not!" Kiara laughed "You did, you missed it all."
Kovu blushed but was too curious to think about his embarrasment anymore. He carefully leaned towards Kiara and saw two small cubs sleeping in her arms. "You're a father, Kovu," Kiara smiled with tears of joy in her eyes. "I...I...I a-am? I'm, I'm a father. I'm a father!" Kovu blinked his eyes in disbelief for a while, then he ran out of the cave, roaring for joy. "I'M A FATHER!"
The other lions lifted their heads and roared in reply. Nala and Simba rushed into the cave first, after them followed a line of lionesses.
"They're so beautiful..." "Oh, look at the little cuties..." "You must be so proud..." "So Kovu couldn't bare it...?" The lionesses giggled and made Kovu blush again a little.
Simba walked to her daughter and nuzzled her. "They are beautiful, Kiara. Both of them." Kiara smiled and looked at the cubs in her arms. The first born was more like her mother, though he was as dark as his father, the second born had golden fur and had a little bit of black mane on his head. They looked so much like their parents Kiara just had to lick them lovingly, full of pride and joy.
"Have you thought about how you're going to name them?" Simba asked. "Well, Kovu and I decided he gets to name the other one and I can name the other." Kovu smiled and stepped nearer to the first born cub. He looked at it for a while, then lifted his head up and said: "Since the first born cub is going to be the future king, he shall truly be a king, Maliki." The lionesses gazed at the sleeping baby and smiled. They lifted their heads up curiously to hear Kiara's choice for the second born cub. Kiara nuzzled her baby, thought for a while and finally whispered softly: "It doesn't matter if you're second born and will never be a king, you're still my child and I love you. You're my own shooting star, Kimwondo."
"Kimwondo?" Kovu asked a little displeased. "Isn't that, umm, as little too long?" Kiara laughed gently. "Okay, we can just call him Kim, then." Kovu looked satisfied. Simba saw how tired Kiara looked and started to drive everyone away. "Alright, everyone, Kiara needs to rest now, everybody out!"
The lionesses groaned and wanted to stay but Simba had up his mind. He and Nala were the last ones to leave and Simba still turned around before he stepped out. "You are so grown up," he whispered to Kiara and smiled a little bit sad. After that, he left the cave too.
Only Kiara, Kovu, Maliki and Kim were left.

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