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The Visitor

Kim lay awake in the cave. He just couldn't sleep. He rolled around, trying to find a comfortable position but he knew what was keeping him awake. Pure rage. He had never been this angry to Mali, no matter how many times he had pinned Kim and teased him in front of the others. This was too much. He could never forgive Mali, never!
Kim startled. He thought he heard someone calling him. But he didn't know who it was, no-one else but Mum sometimes called him with his whole name. Maybe he was getting too tired, he should get some sleep....
The same voice again. This time it sounded determined and strick. Kim looked around him but didn't see anyone. Actually, he didn't see ANYTHING. It was all black around him. "W-who are y-you?" he asked shaking. "Don't be frightened. I'm your friend," the voice said. "Your only friend, as it seems at the moment."
Now Kim saw a little light somewhere. He couldn't tell where it was coming, it was very dim. "Finally we meet," the voice said again. It was deep and somehow scaring, but since Kim couldn't see who it was, he was more relaxed for the moment. He had never heard the voice before, it wasn't anyone he knew, that was for sure. He swallowed and asked again. "Who are you?"
"Don't worry," the voice said from right behind him. Kim turned around, but...still no-one behind him. He heard a chuckle. "You won't see me, you don't have to spin around like that. Now, the reason I'm here is..." "Why can't I see you?" "Don't interrupt me!" Kim pulled his ears back. It was even scarier to be on the mercy of someone you didn't see.
The voice continued, calmed: "Now the reason I'm here, is because I want to help you." "H-help me?" "Yes, as I have noticed you seem to have a little...trouble with your big brother, don't you?" Kim narrowed his eyes and felt the anger returning. "Trouble...I wish! It would be better if it was just "trouble"! He hates me and I hate him!" The voice sounded to feel sorry for Kim. "Ohh, it can't be that bad, can it?" Kim sniffled. "It is." Now the voice came from a different direction again. It seemed to circle around Kim. "Oh, don't cry, little one. I told you I was here to help you."
Kim lifted his head and paid attention to hear where the voice was now. "Y-you...How could you help?" The voice laughed. "Aah, questions, questions! You're a curious little one, aren't you?" Kim wasn't sure whether or not to take this as a compliment. "Well," the voice said. "Let's just say you and I will make a great team together. You have the will and I have the brain." "I have brains, too!" Kim groaned unsatisfied. He heard a chuckle again. "That's what I like about you, Kimwondo, you have the strength to say how you feel. You have POWER."
Power. Kim felt proud. Someone who didn't even know him said he had power. Maliki had always talked about power, it was all he could think of and Kim had grown to believe power was everything. Power was everything he didn't have.
"And, my boy, since you have power, will AND brains, I will help you along your way." "My...way, umm, sir?" "Yes, Kimwondo." Now the voice was right next to him. It turned to Kim and whispered:
"I can make you the future king of Pride Rock."
Kim's jaw fell wide open and his eyes widened. "How?" "Don't you worry about that, all you have to do is to remember to do exactly as I say, do you understand me?" "Yes, sir. But...what about Mali? He's the future king."
The voice lowered and asked quietly: "Kimwondo..." "Kim, just Kim." "Alright, alright, whatever. Now, Kim...Which is more important to you, your brother's future or yours?" "Well, I..." "Or let me put it in another way. You told me your brother hated you?" Kim pulled his ears back. "He does. "What about you?" "I hate him!" Kim said angrily. "He stole your best friend." The voice sounded pitiful. "He lied to Shani!" Kim continued even more frustrated. "He embarrassed you many times in front of others." "He always wants to show off." "Whatever you like to call it..." the voice said half to himself. "Finally...What must you do?" "I have to pay back at him," Kim said calmly, almost with a realizing tone in his voice. "Precisely." The voice seemed to almost smile. "I'm going to help you to get back at your brother if you just let me do it in my own way. You have to follow my orders and I can make you a king!"
Kim felt he was about to explode for pride. A KING! But one thing was bothering him. "How do I know you're telling the truth? I haven't even seen you!" A laugh from the dark. "You're a sharp boy, Kim. I like that, too. Kings need to be sharp and aware. I will show myself when I can be sure you'll do as you're told. Don't worry, I'm SURE we'll get to know each other better in time." The voices chuckled again, it seemed to be in a pretty good mood.
"Now, Kim, it's almost dawn and I must leave you. But when the time is right, I will tell you what to do. Now sleep, Kim. Sleep. We have a lot to do tomorrow." The voice disappeared into the dark and Kim was left alone in the cave, where the other lions all slept peacefully.

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