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Megara's Walk-in Closet

Beauty and the Beast was a late 80's TV show that went right to the core of the human heart. It represented love, hope and life. The love that Catherine and Vincent shared is unlike anything ever known. It is a bond of two lives sacrificing everything they have ever believed in order to be together. Vincent risks his life any time he goes to the surface, either to simply say goodnight, or to save her from harm. Even to leave a rose or two on her balcony must he go into a world that hates and fears him. Catherine must resign herself to keep Vincent a secret and yet she wants to be able to tell the whole world that she is in love. She struggles to balance her life Above with her life Below. She wants to be able to do ordinary, everyday things with him but knows that she cannot do something as simple as bringing him to dinner with her father and friends or attend a concert, or even walk hand-in hand through Central Park. This makes her time with Vincent all the more romantic and special. Their time together is both limited and infinite. In this world where cold harsh reality meets romantic fantasy, Vincent and Catherine's love is an inspiration to us all.

The EPISODE GUIDE will tell you the story better than I could so check it out.

My PICTURE GALLERY has only a few pictures because these are only my absolute favorites. I took these pictures off the 'net so all copyright goes to the appropriate people. If you want to find more, check out the web ring below.

Check out the POETRY page for the poets and authors whose fantastic work appeared in the show!

This Beauty and the Beast Tunnel Ring site is owned by MEGARA

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This is where the wealthy and the powerful rule. It is her world, a world apart from mine. Her name is Catherine. From the moment I saw her, she captured my heart with her beauty, her warmth and her courage. I knew then, as I know now, she would change my life forever.

He comes from a secret place far below the city streets, hiding his face from strangers; safe from hate and harm. He brought me there to save my life. And now, wherever I go, he's with me in spirit. For we have a bond stronger than friendship or love. And although we cannot be together, we will never ever be apart.