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Congratulations to Rabbi Harold Stern, Board Member and Editor of the Ethics Network News. In February, Rabbi Stern completed four units of Clinical Pastoral Education and became a Certified Chaplain at the annual convention of the National Association of Jewish Chaplains held in Philadelphia. In addition to his current responsibilities at Daughters of Jacob Health Services, Rabbi Stern has recently become a spiritual caregiver at both the Hospice of New York and the Comprehensive Community Hospice of the Parker Jewish Institute for Healthcare and Rehabilitation.

Congratulations to Dr. Paulette Sansone on being named to the editorial staff of the Journal of Social Work in Long-Term Care, a new and specialized publication for practitioners in the fields of gerontology, health care, and social work who are involved in providing social work services for frail older adults and those with chronic illness. A free sample issue of the charter issue is available to professionals writing on their institutional letterhead. Requests should be sent to: FREE SAMPLE COPY, Journal of Social Work in Long-Term Care, The Haworth Press, Inc., Sample Copy Dept.—Box Comp, 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580; or by e-mail:

Congratulations to Drs. Eileen Chichin and Ellen Olson and colleagues on the recent publication of End-of-Life Ethics and the Nursing Assistant by Springer Publishing.

Special Thanks to Dr. Gerald Blandford for representing the Speakers’ Bureau. Dr. Blandford gave a talk at the Hebrew Home for The Aged in Riverdale on March 23rd on Disordered Eating and Tube Feeding in Late Stage Dementia.

Congratulations to the following Board Members on receiving grants: Drs. Eileen Chichin and Jeffrey Nichols. Dr. Eileen Chichin and the Jewish Home and Hospital, along with the Mary Manning Walsh Home received a $60,000. grant from the United Hospital Fund to expand on a collaborative palliative care project and to establish palliative care programs in units in each institution. Mary Devlin, Board Member and Administrator of Cabrini Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation, announces that Cabrini was recently awarded a grant from the New York State Department of Health. The grant seeks to improve the relay of communication and information between Alzheimer’s and dementia patients, professional caregivers and families. The grant, Improving Individualized Care for Dementia Patients through the Use of the Clinical Practice Questionnaire, Nursing Home Version: A Pilot Study, has as its principal investigators Dr. Jeffrey Nichols and Dr. Judah Ronch.

The NYCLCTEN has had a very busy Board. Several members of the Board presented at the April 10th-11th conference, Alzheimer’s & Dementia Services Across the Continuum & Into the Millennium, which was sponsored by the State of New York Department of Health’s Office of Continuing Care in collaboration with the Eddy Alzheimer’s Services. Board member, Dr. Eileen Chichin, and Ethics Network Coordinator, Dr. Susan Rosendahl-Masella along with Mr. Ilan Ledner (speaker at the Network’s upcoming June 8th conference) presented on End-of-Life Treatment Decisions for Nursing Home Residents with Dementia from the Perspective of Staff and Health Care Proxies. Dr. Jeffrey Nichols was a panelist on Dementia Care in the Acute Care Setting: Issues and Answers where he discussed Cabrini Medical Center’s Windows To The Heart (an eight-bed sub-unit of the Inpatient Geriatric Unit that was specially created to meet the needs of dementia patients and their caregivers during acute hospitalization). Dr. Gerald Blandford held a poster session on Abnormal Feeding Behavior and the Natural History of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Special Thanks to Bruce Jennings, Louise Schmitt, and Rabbi Harold Stern, for their contributions to the newsletter, and Alice Jedney and her volunteer staff at Schervier Nursing Care Center who generously assist the NYCLTCEN with mailings and conferences.

Rabbi Harold Stern sends a Special Thanks to Dr. Susan Rosendahl-Masella for all the hard work she has done to assemble this issue of the Ethics Network News .

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