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Advance Directives, Living Wills, and PSDA

Why are Advance Directives a Non-Issue Outside the United States?
by Mildred Solomon--Considers the issue of autonomy and international perspectives (Spain, Australia, Israel, Italy, and Netherlands)

Applying Advance Directives to Specific Clinical Decisions
by American Medical Association

Shortcomings of Advance Directives
[Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Newsletter]

Advance Directives--Principles and Practice
by Robert S. Stall, MD

Study Shows Evidence of Need for Living Wills

ABA Commission on Legal Problems of the Elderly: Trends in Health Decisions Legislation Relevant to the PSDA

New York State Health Care Proxy Law: A Guide for Health Care Professionals
Social Security Handbook: Section 2457

Advance Directives in Patient Care: If You Ask, They Will Tell You
By David Doukas

The Living Will Center's Archives on Living Wills and Advance Directives

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(Advance Directives Conference)

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