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New York City Long-Term Care
Ethics Network Conference:

Organizational Ethics and Moral Integrity:
Whose Responsibility Are They?

at Fordham University


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Batts, C. F. (1998). Making ethics an organizational priority. Healthcare Forum Journal, 41(1), 38-42.

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Brett, A. S., Raymond, J. I., Saunders, D. E., & Khushf, G. (1998). An ethics discussion for hospital administrators. HEC Forum, 10(2), 177-185.

Brodeur, D. (1998). Health care institutional ethics: Broader than clinical ethics. In J. Monagle & D. C. Thomasma (Eds.), Health care ethics: Critical issues for the 21st century (pp. 497-504). Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen.

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Giganit, E. (1998). New web resource explores organizational integrity. Health Progress, 79(1), 22-23. Available at: PUBSART.ASP?ISSUE=HP9801&ARTICLE=M.

Goodstein, J., & Potter, R. L. (1999). Beyond financial incentives: Organizational ethics and organizational integrity. HEC Forum, 11(4), 293- 305.

Grosenick, L. E. (1994). Governmental ethics and organizational culture. In T. L. Cooper (Ed.), Handbook of administrative ethics (pp. 183-197). NY: Marcel Dekker.

Illingworth, P. (1999). A role for stakeholder ethics in meeting the ethical challenges posed by managed care organizations. HEC Forum, 11(4), 306- 322.

Hamel, R. (1997). A question of value: What does ethics contribute to the life and work of an organization? Health Progress, May-June, 24-26, 32. Available at:

Heller, J. C. (1999). Framing healthcare compliance in ethical terms: A taxonomy of moral choices. HEC Forum, 11(4), 245-357.

Heeley, G. F. (1998). Leading with integrity. How to balance conflicting values. Health Progress, 79(5), 60-62. Available at: PUBSART.ASP?ISSUE=HP9809&ARTICLE=I.

Heitman, E., & Bulger, R. E. (1998). The healthcare ethics committee in the structural transformation of health care: Administrative and organizational ethics in changing times. HEC (HealthCare Ethics Committee) Forum, 10(2), 152-176.

Heller, J. C., & Gerety, J. (1998). Catholic sponsorship and Medicare managed care: An uneasy alliance of faith and market. HEC Forum, 10(2), 186-200.

Henry, C. (1995). Professional ethics and organizational change in health care and educational management. Edward Arnold.

Jennings, B., & Hanson, M. J. (1995). Commodity or public work? Two perspectives on health care. Bioethics Forum, 11(3), 3-11.

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Keenan, J. F. (1997). Institutional cooperation and the ethical and religious directives. Linacre Quarterly, 64(3), 53-67.

Khushf, G. (1997). Administrative and organizational ethics. HEC Forum, 9(4), 299- 309.

Khushf, G. (1998). The scope of organizational ethics: Editor's introduction. HEC Forum, 10(2), 127-135.

LaPuma, J. (1998). Is medical ethics the same as corporate compliance? Managed Care, August, 1-3. Available at : 9808/9808.ethics.shtml.

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McCullough, L. B. (1998). Preventive ethics, managed practice, and the hospital ethics committee as a resource for physician executives. HEC Forum, 10(2), 136-151.

McCullough, L. B. (1993). Ethics in the management of health care organizations. Physician Executive, 19(6), 72-76.

McCurdy, D. B. (1998). Organizations and individuals need each other to be ethical. Park Ridge Center Bulletin, 3, 14-15.

Meaney, M. E. (1999). Authority relations in corporate medical management: Toward an organizational ethic of manage care. HEC Forum, 11(4), 333-344.

Meyer, B. W. (1997). Ensuring accountability in decision making: A step-by-step approach applies common sense to complex issues. Health Progress (Special Section: Organizational Ethics), May/June. Available at: PUBS/PUBSART.ASP?ISSUE=HP9705&ARTICLE=D.

Nielsen, R. P. (1997). Changing unethical organizational behavior. In J. A. Worthley (Ed.), The ethics of the ordinary in healthcare: Concepts and cases. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

Pentz, R. D. (1999). Beyond case consultation: An expanded model for organizational ethics. The Journal of Clinical Ethics, 10(1), 34-41.

Pentz, R. D. (1998). Expanding into organizational ethics: The experience of one clinical ethics committee. HEC Forum, 10(2), 213-221.

Pfeiffer, R. S. (1995). Why blame the organization? A pragmatic analysis of collective moral responsibility. University Press of America.

Potter, R. L. (1996). From clinical ethics to organizational ethics: The second stage of the evolution of bioethics. Bioethics Forum, 12(2), 3- 12.

Reiser, S. J. (1994). The ethical life of health care organizations. Hastings Center Report, 24(6), 28-35.

Renz, D. O., & Eddy, W. B. (1996). Organizations. ethics, and health care: Building an ethics infrastructure for a new era. Bioethics Forum, 12(2), 29-39.

Rovner, J. (1998). Organizational ethics: It's your move. Health System Leader, 5(1), 4-12. Available at:

Schyve, P.M. (1996). Patient rights and organizational ethics: The Joint Commission perspective. Bioethics Forum, 12(2), 13-20.

Seeger, M. W. (1997). Ethics and organizational communication. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press Inc.

Seeley, C. R., & Goldberger, S. L. (1999). Integrated ethics: Synecdoche in-house care. The Journal of Clinical Ethics, 10(3), 216- 224.

Silva, M. C. (1998). Organizational and administrative ethics in health care: An ethics gap. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Available at http://www.nursingworld. org /ojin/topic8/topic8_1.htm.

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Spencer, E. M. (1996). JCAHO: From patient care ethics to organization ethics. In BioLaw: A legal and ethical reporter on medicine, health care, and bio- engineering. Special Sections, 2(9). Frederick, MD: University Publications of America, Sept. 1996, S189-192.

Spencer, E. M. (1997). A new role for institutional ethics committees: Organizational ethics. The Journal of Clinical Ethics, 8(4), 372-376.

Spencer, E. E., Mills, A. E., Rorty, M. V., & Verhane, P. C. (1999). Organization ethics for health care. New York: Oxford University Press.

Spencer, E. M, & Mills, A. E. (1999). Ethics in healthcare organizations. HEC Forum, 11(4), 323-332.

The Cleveland Clinic Foundation (1997). What do they mean by "organizational ethics." Contemporary Issues. Available at: biocon8.htm.

Tuohey, J. F. (1998). Covenant model of corporate compliance. "Corporate integrity" program meets mission, not just legal, requirements. Health Progress, 79 (4), 70-75. Available at: HP9807&ARTICLE=F.

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Walsh-Bowers, R., Rossiter, A., & Prilletensky, I. (1996). The personal is the organizational in the ethics of hospital social workers. Ethics and Behavior, 6, 321-335.

Weber, L. J. (1997). Cases in organizational ethics. Health Progress, May/June. Available at: HP9705&ARTICLE=AA.

Weber, L. J. (1997). Taking on organizational ethics. To do so, ethics committees must first prepare themselves. Health Progress, 78(3), 20-23, 32. Available at:

Weber, L. J. (1998). An HMO grievance committee: Ethical challenges and opportunities for an organization. HEC Forum, 10(2), 201-212.

Weiss, J. W. (1996). Organizational behavior and change: Managing diversity, cross- cultural dynamics, and ethics. West/Wadsworth.

Woodstock Theological Center. (1995). Ethical considerations in the business aspects of health care. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.

Wolff, M. (1993). "No margin, no mission:" Challenge to institutional ethics. Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 12(2), 39-50.

NOTE: The reference list has been updated since the conference to include articles contained in the Dec. 1999 issue of HEC Forum.

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