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"You idiot! Get up!" An injured boy wiggled in the dirt. Holding onto his bruised gut, he attempted to get up.

WHAM! Another blow to the stomach. The twelve year olds teeth grind together in pain. The young boy stiffened; his abdomen was completely numb.

BAM! BAM! The kicks rang in his ear as the world came to a blury bloody scene.

"Worthless. Absolutely worthess!" Those were the last words the boy heard as he gave into unconsciencenous.


He opened his eyes to the dirt in front of him. Nervously he looked around. Beads of sweat began to form on his brow as sudden fear overcame him.

Ominously, he felt a grin form behind him as the foot steps came closer. Crunching the rubble, the shadow cast over him andkneeled over. Protectively, he held his hands over his face to cover his shame as he squeeled "No more! Please, no more!"

Sakura scratched her head curiously at Ryu and asked, "Are you ok? Jeeze! I only hit you a little and already you're begging for mercy?" Sakura smiled a little at the thought.

Ryu looked around to find himself on the ground, with a little girl overtowering him; smiling. "Huh?"

"Huh? Duh! I just kicked your butt! So, do you want a rematch or what?" She asked cheerfully. Ryu picked himsef up and looked around again.

"You wanna be a loser? Fine! But don't be sore about it. I'm going to go anounce my one-kick victory to the world! Hehehe!" Sakura giggled andran off into the woods.


"Twelve years...WASTED! I can't beleive you! You can't even do a little kick!" The voice yelled.

The little boy had been knocked out for hours, and he wakes up to this.

"You're an imbisil! Do you hear me? You're a complete fool! Incompitant, ignorant, insignificant..." And the list went on.

The boys' ears rang with the thundering words pounding in his head. He held on tightly to his blanket. It was three times too small for him, but it was sentimental.

The man with the long beard came up to the boy and snatched the blanket from him. "You and your stupid blanket! Are you a baby, or a warrior? Fighter's don't need 'blankies'!"

The childs lip quivered as the man ferociously tore the blanket into pieces with his hands.

"I hate you Gouken! Why'd you have to do that? That blankie was from my mommy and daddy! They gave it to me when I was born...before they died."

SMACK! Gouken punched Ryu square in the jaw. "You dare speak back to me? You are my property now, I OWN YOU!" He lift the boy up by the head and slammed him on the ground.

"Your parents left because of you! They hated you, so they gave you to me. It's your fault that they're dead!"

From the corner of the room, a blonde boy watched, snickering at Ryu's beating.

"Don't just stare, get in here!" Gouken called to the peeping kid.

"Yes, master."

"Why don't you show Ryu what I've taught you today. Oh, and don't hit the face, we may have to go to town tommorrow, Ken."

"Yes, master." Ken said, smiling grimmly at the bloody Ryu.

"That's 'Godfather', son." Gouken reminded him.


Ryu shook his head and looked around. Again, he was at his training ground.

"This is so pathetic." A dense voice in the forest sneered. Ryu turned around, but saw nothing but the trees.

Sakura emerged from behind the hut with two cups of water. She greedily guzzled half of the water and peered over at Ryu as if expecting the eye of an annoyed teacher. But he didn't look disgusted. He just stood there staring down at the grass and occasionaly lifting his head towards the woods.

