Things About Me, That You Probly Didnt Know

LIVING ARRANGEMENT? Maz And Paz And The Rest Of The Zoo.

WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW? The Guide To Self Hypnosis.

WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? starry, starry night

FAVORITE BOARD GAME? pretty pretty princess, And... I Don't like board games.


FAVORITE SMELLS? I'm a big smell person. Smells are memories. I love the smell of boys out of the shower, all clean. Romance by Ralph Lauren, Ralph, Straberries, Violet, Carmel, Outside after it rains, Sunny day's under a shady tree having a picnic. Shaving Gel does weird things to me...

LEAST FAVORITE SMELLS? Public restrooms, Dirty sweaty boys, Ciggarett smoke, Nag champa, and vomit.

FAVORITE SOUND? Nothing. When it's quiet, it's so nice. That and the sound that someone makes when they are happy, and they don't want anyone to know.

WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD? Hands down, a panic attack. But being alone when you don' want to be, ranks right up there.

WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU THINK ABOUT WHEN YOU WAKE UP? I wish I was still asleep, and I wish I wasent alone in this big bed.

FAVORITE COLORS? Red, it's a warm color that makes me feel good. Blue ( baby blue, peacock blue, just about every shade) Greens, Pinks, Purples, Black, I'm not too picky anymore..

HOW MANY RINGS BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE PHONE? Depends on what the caller I.D says, and what kind of mood I'm in.

FUTURE CHILD'S NAME? I think it's pretty sick to name your kids before you need to, it just leads to heart break. But some names that I like are.. Girls: Erin, Rayonna, Lilly, Brianna, Torrence, Taylor. Boys: Kalen, Aaron, Nicholas, Jarred, Anthony, Daniel, Kyle, Nathan. Looks Like I'm Gonna Have To Have A Few Kids.

WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT IN LIFE? Being your self. When you know who you are, your life can begin. But if you don't know who you are, then your life will never be complete, and you will always be looking for more.

FAVORITE FOODS? Veggie almost anything. Roy's, La Tapita, TACO BELL!!! Pasta and CHEESE!!


DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE FAST? I won't drive cuz I'm gonna kill someone, I know it. But if I did, I'm sure i would.

DO YOU SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL? I sleep with six pillows and a body pillow. I use to sleep with a human electric blanket, but now it's just me and my body pillow.

STORMS-- COOL OR SCARY? Cool, as long as I'm not alone.

WHAT TYPE WAS YOUR FIRST CAR? I don't know what my first car will be, probly something that I hate.

IF YOU COULD MEET ONE PERSON DEAD OR ALIVE? Kurt Cobain, hands down. He just makes me feel like there is so much in this world that I don't get.

FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK? I'll drink just about anything that has sour mix in it. Sour Mix fixes it all. I'll even drink rum again!

WHAT IS YOUR ZODIAC SIGN? Libra/ Virgo Cusp. But I feel like I am more of a Libra, I crave balance and harmony.

DO YOU EAT THE STEMS OF BROCCOLI? I'm a vegatarian, what do you think?

IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY JOB YOU WANTED WHAT WOULD IT BE? I want to be a cheerleader now. It's like my dream. But I would love to be nothing more than a good wife and mother.

IF YOU COULD DYE YOUR HAIR ANY COLOR? I don't know.. I've done the outragous stuff, and it's just silly looking. I keep bleaching my bangs, and I HATE IT!!!

EVER BEEN IN LOVE? As a matter of fact, yes I have. I love being in love, but I hate being in love, beacuse the two times that I have been in love, I've had my heart crushed. First two years, the four.. I've been in love.

IS THE GLASS HALF EMPTY OR HALF FULL? Empty. I keep saying that it's empty, but no one seems to see it that way.

FAVORITE MOVIES? My new found love of Bring It On. Drop Dead Fred, Nightmare before chritmas, and a bunch more. It depends on what mood I'm in.

DO YOU TYPE WITH YOUR FINGERS ON THE RIGHT KEYS? Full Finger Action. Well, except my left pinky, it just kind of chills up in the air.

WHAT'S UNDER YOUR BED? Shoes, Weights, Under the bed storage thing that's full of crap that I can get rid of, and a WHOLE lot of dust..


FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH? Boxing, Hockey, and Fishing. Yes, I watch fishing.

WHAT CD (OR TAPE) DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR STEREO RIGHT NOW? The new BLINK 182 cd, Dude Ranch- Blink 182, and Radiohead- The Bends.

FAVORITE TV SHOW? I watch too much TV, but it's funnt, cuz I don;t watch much TV.

WHAT IS YOUR EARLIEST MEMORY? It seems to be me pushing one of my mom's African Violets out of a second story window. I was about 2-3.
