There are over 300 links on this page.
Last link was added on Thursday, August 21, 1999 at 03:05 Am
Bad Girls What if Buffy and Faith were in love? Pictures..
- Spike's Buffy Guide
- BuffyGame An email RPG thats the next best thing to landing a role on BtVS so come join us in Sunnydale and let the game begin.
Obsessively Yours Harry Groener page Small (but growing) fanpage for the Mayor of Sunnydale, Harry Groener. Includes info on his other work and some links.
Heart of The Chosen One Lots of pictures, links, articles, Books, etc... about Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Sabreaces Buffy Page Cool site with links,downloads and pics
Thomas's Buffy Page Episode Guide, over 800 Pics, Polls, Trivia, Music, Links, Webrings, Romance, Quotes, & More.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Always and Forever includes large pic gallary, hellmouth residence, slayer handbook, sunnydale love connection and much more :)
Welcome to Sunnydale A french site on Buffy : Visit the town, pics, infos in french.
Willow and Oz
- Seth Green
Alicia's Buffy the Vampire slayer page
A Very Suave Very Not Pathetic Slayerette Site A site devoted to Buffy's faithful sidekicks.
- The Sunnydale Library We have Fav. Quotes, Books you can buy here, fanfic and of course, links
The Complete Buffy the Vampire Slayer Episode Guide Extremely thorough episode guide; includes synopsis, reviews, images, sounds, references,quotes, music and much more!
- Buffy and friend's fans a site for all who love Buffy and and the other stars
The total official Buffy site This place totally kicks!!!! It's in the making,but it's got a ton of info!! Ton's of pic's,prizes,and more!
- Michele's Buffy Page This includes buffy spoilers, pics, bios, links, sound, awards to win and more!
- Coffeerooms(sm) Buffy the Vampire Slayer site Can't go out at night? This is the place to be!
- The Buffy Domain A place with everything you can find in a Buffy site! Pictures, bios, links, and more! Still under construction
- munky's buffy page a great page in the making by a devoted fan
- Sarah Michelle Gellar:Princess of Buffdom A buffy fan club
- renzy's realm damon alburn gallery of blur, roger taylor of duran duran
- Buffy the Best Show on TV A Buffy/SMG site
- AJ's Buffy Page Cool pictures and links
- Queen Willow's BTVS Page
- Eccentric evil
- Encyclopedia Buffonica- The Site With Bite Pictures, Bios, Episodes, Sounds, Links, Free Email, and more!
- SCREAM FANS Scream hompage, but their is a spicel place for BUFFY! "a SCREAM for BUFFY"
- SlayersClub Palace Site for Chatting about the show and Meeting the SLAYERSCLUB Members.
- Willow and Xander... Best Friends or More? The best site for W/X shippers!
- Angel & Buffy . . . Moment of the Week An episode guide with a focus on Angel & Buffy
- Buffy & Angel's Page of Slayers A page filled with pics
- Novaira's FanFiction Site
- Novaira' FanFiction Site
- BMUSE Buffy Multi User Shared Enviroment (Buffy RPG)
- CircleSphere All sorts of goodies, pics, links, news, quotes, be the Slayer of a city!
- Andrew's Buffy the Vampire Slayers Page Tons of pictures of Buffy and gang
- Welcome To MY Hellmouth Australian Buffy page, with all sorts of original ideas.
- Province of Buffonia Everything Buffy. Includes all the basics plus a buffy humor page and coming soon: British Buffy (for UK viewers)
- willow and oz doesn't have much yet but i'am working on it!!
- Ravens Realm's Buffy Events Calender Find out appearences, release dates, and more on this calender of Buffy related events.
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer A great Buffy site to satisfy any fans needs including spoilers, episodes(includes ratings), quotes, links, character profiles.
- Daydreams of BtVS This is a site dedicated to BtVS FANFIC. It also has reviews, links, bios, news, and of course, the main attractions, fanfic.
- Danica's and Natalies's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan Site Pictures, Cast Bios and more! Great BtVS fan site!
- Lair of the Stealth Bunnies Buffy fanfic, horror writing, rabbits, and other such stuff
- B:tVS @ Cj-weB B:tVS site for Geeks and Australians (created 15 Jan '99)
- BTVS : Sunnydale Central episodes,angel-the series info,books,music,and more
- The Watcher's Web Popular British Buffy site with news, reviews and original fiction.
- GONE POSTAL buffy's forum Buffy and Faith making out?,Willows tatto?, next week buffy will?..go postal at: GONE POSTAL buffy's forum
- Amy and Faith's Buffy Gurl Site A site about Amy, Faith, Drusilla and Kendra!
- Epitaphs of the Undead Epitaphs of the Undead is the fastest and easiest way to rate your favorite episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
- Sunny Hell How bad can it be? Fanfic, polls, webrings, images, banners, links, spoiler board, chat room, etc.
- Jewel's New Buffy The Vampire Slayer Page! Not new anymore but the name's on awards so I'm keeping it. I have lots of fanfic, rare pics, links, Willow Stick Theatre, etc.
- Stuz's BtVS Fun Page games, BtVS Diner, pics, links, shrines, win award, poll, message board, Funny Stuff, and more..check it out
- Slayage It's uk but stillvery cool gaining stuff all the time
- Adams Buffy Site New UK fan site
- Whispers Of The Slayer Everything Buffy! Including special pages for Oz, and Willow&Oz
- The Slayer's Site Lots of info, episode guide, bios, mailing list, lots of interactive stuff.
- Michael's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Homepage pictures, links, spiolers, cast bio's, when they were tiny, episode guide!!
- Absolute Buffy buffy....buffy......and more buffy
- Paranormal Buffy info with new episode/phenomena guide & lots of Vampire lore.
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Thomas's Buffy Page
- Oz and Willow and a WHOLE LOT MORE! Oz, Willow, Angel, Spike, Dru, Buffy, Xander, Cordy and MORE
- Welcome to My World Character Bios, Pictures and a complete episode guide!
- Ida's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Place my site is currntly in the prosess of being built....PLEASE KEEP THAT IN MIND!!!!
- The BTVS Zone BTVS Stuffs
- The Realm Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer Everything Buffy, and a special page just for Oz
- The Slayer's Realm Info, and HUGE image gallery
- Slayer Stuff Page some Buffy, mainly the World of Stephanie Loss
- The Buffy Files A place where vampires come to "hang" out. Humans are welcome too. There's pics, links, scripts, vote 4 fav., and more!!!
- Slayworthy Fanfiction new fanfiction site!!! Come on in and check it out!
- The Slayer's Crypt-Into the Abyss Check out the BtVS WAV Challenge! Win my awards!
- Juliet's BtVS Home Page Episodes, spoilers, characters, and much, much more!!
- The Realm of Soft Delusions Fan-fic, the Caption Game, the Many Sins of Xander, Banners Inc. and more.
- The Slayer's Lair - Buffy the Vampire Slayer The ultimate site for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Cast info, bios, pictures, episode guides, scripts, downloads, links, and more!
- Forever Eliza An Eliza Dushku site with pictures,sounds,links,info,and more.
- Buffy World contains cast cios, picture galleries, episode guides, upcoming tv appearances and much more.
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer Heart&Soul A great new site with everything relating to the best show on television!
- Sambo's BTVS Slayerspeak Page You may look like a slayer, but do you sound like one?
- Faith's Slayer Site This site is done by Faith the other slayer
- Welcome To Sunnyhell Forgot to add something, I have over 800 pictures, all from 2nd, and 3rd season!!!!!1
- Buffy and Angels Heavenly Fanclub A club dedicated to Buffy and Angel!
- Willow and Oz--Eccentric, with an Option on Cool A Site Dedicated to Willow and Oz!
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer Paradise A site dedicated to the entire cast of Buffy
- So, That's What the Song Means! Links, banners, fanfic, pics, profiles, etc.
- SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR This page was made for SMG ...includes about sarah and some about buffy.......still under construction..
- Skittery's Willow & Oz Site Focuses on Willow & Oz, but lots of other stuff about the show as well
- Dingo's Buffy / Willow Shrine
- The Buffy Shrine Buffy and Angel and Spiolers OH MY!!! Spiolers and romers fotr the hit show Buffy
- A place to get info on my amiling list and check out cool pics, quotes, and stuff of BTVS.
- Fangraphic Fanfiction Archive of stories with pictures and sound.
- All Slayers' Church A place of worship and training for both the fan and would-be Slayer
- The Sounds of the Slayer One stop site for all your BtVS sound needs.
- World od Darkness
- Welcome To Sunnyhell A site devoted to the wonderful world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
- Welcome to My Page of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Links This page has a lot of links to other great Buffy sites out there, as well as some non Buffy links.
- The Sunnydale Vortex cast stuff.... and tons of pics
- Buffy & Angels Page of Slayers Lots of pics
- BuffyFan Cool Site with PIcs, Sounds, Links, Episode Guide, Trivia, and Poll
- Angel's lover All about Angel, Buffy, and their fans.
- Buffy the Vampire Slayers Garden of Good and Evil I got tons of pictures! steal some while your at it!
- Buffy & Angel's Heaven A Buffy and Angel site!!
- SunnyDale~Vampyre's PayGround
- animal crackers about the cutest couples.
- Sci-Fi Talk Home Page Interviews with celebrities and actors in SF & Horror
- Buffy Screenshot Scavengers One of the only websites where you can get any screenshot from any website you want or browse through others.
- The Forever Slayer Site Slayographies, pics, fanfic, adopt stuff, huh....there's too much. Just check it out!
- Heidi and Friends' Adventures With Buffy Information on my different encounters meeting the cast of Buffy, sounds files, downloads, autograph information and more!
- The Red Knights Homepage Lots of pics of Buffy. A character sheet. A chat room. Character Isms. Fanfic
- Sammie's Buffy and Dawson Pen Pals and Episode Guide. THIS IS A VERY NEW SITE!
- Site dedicated to Alyson Hannigan
- Michelle's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Page Tons of Pictures,Fanfic,Bios,Poll,Message Board,Transcripts and more!
- How Buffy Summers Saved Television Essay in e-zine
- The Slayer's Slumberland
- Slayerdudes BtVS Page Buffy and Sarah!! Pictures(lots) and soon, cast info and more!
- Ravens Realm of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Contains movie and sound clips, animation, episode transcripts, Slayer Slang, huge Image Gallery with 1500+ pictures, and more!
- The Watcher's Chronicales Pics, articles, and the theme song all wrapped in one!
- Slayerdude's SMG & Buffy Page! Links, pic. and more dealing with the wonderful SMG and Buffy!
- The Buffy Page I got some fanfic, a Quiz, pics, some new, a board, and etc.
- Dingo on the Praire
- Buffy
- The Realm of the Slayer Home of the one and only SlaySpeak Encyclopedia
- Vanessa's BTVS Page Everything from episode descriptions to photo galleries, to voting booths
- Mary's Buffy Page / An Odd Alliance This page is a collection of polls, Buffy news, humorous stories, sad stories, rumors, and soon more to come.
- Buffy The Vampire Slayer LOSTA BUFFY
- Xenon's Page Buffy stuff plus VR.5, Highlander, Manimal, etc
- Rexies Interactive Btvs Site fanfiction, links, progressive story, webrings, pics, survey a lot more
- BuffyNews Buffy News, Updated Weekly. Also, we will add a custom BuffyNews page for YOUR Buffy Site, to keep visitors coming back!
- Darling Violetta homepage Band that appears in the Bronze in season 3,episode 3 "Faith,Hope & Trick" includes "The Buffy Chronicles"
- Sausage King Buffy Complete Buffy guide for beginners, discussion board, free-for-all links, special Principal Snyder section.
- A Slayer named Kendra This is a page for the vampire slayer Kendra played by actress Bianca Lawson.
- Buffy & Angel's Heaven
- NEON RIOT More than just Buffy!
- It's a Slayer's World
- Slayers: Anita Blake and Buffy Summers Anita Blake from Laurell K. Hamilton's novels and Buffy Summers from the popular TV show kick vampire butt!
- Mandie's BTVS Site More Is Coming Soon ;)
- Got Stakes? pics, quizes and a fan club, so check it out!
- Luke's Australian Buffy Page Pics, Sounds, Movies. Welcome to My Australian Buffy Page
- Marys BTVS Page
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer Typical page about the show, with pictures, links, rings etc..
- The Buffy Zone A Complete Buffy site with Unique features, over 300 photos, weel designed and updated daily. The Oldest Buffy Fan page around
- Slayer's Haven Site dedicated to Buffy and Co.. Includes cast bios, episodes, images, links, and quotes.
- Pete's TV WAVs Buffy the Vampire Slayer Theme in MP3, and WAV Format.
- Buffy Promo Page This is a page that will contain promos for the show.
- Buffys Vampire Demons Has sounds pictures and info on the cast as well as the demons
- My BTVS, David Boreanaz, and Joe Mcintyre page BTVS, David, and just stuff
- Adam's Buffy Page character bios, the theme song, episodes list and more!
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Passion Dedicated to the Passion episode.
- The Slayer's Lair - Buffy the Vampire Slayer The ultimate site for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Cast info, bios, pictures, episode guides, scripts, downloads, links, and more.
- Buffy: Vampire Slaying Goddess Fan Fiction, Picture Gallery, Slayer Speak, Spike....what more could a 'ghoul' ask for?
- The Buffy Body Count Who died. where and how.
- Lycra's Buffy Page
- Sunnydale General The coolest hospital around.
- Sunnydale's Blood Bank Where the blood's always fresh and the vamps are up for a good time!
- The Saints of Television Contains weekly Trivia, Poll, The Sunnydale Coroner's Office, etc
- Simon's "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" Shrine A fun website dedicated to Buffy. It contains an episode guide, pics, news, links and other fun stuff.
- Angel Fan's Buffy and Angel Home Page Ep gudie, quiz, photo and sound galleries, links, fan fic page,
- My Slayer Page Welcome To the Slayer's Wavs (Sounds)
- Angelfan's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Page A site that's a little bit of everything. Episodes, quotes, merchandise, fan fic, forums, links, pictures, and more.
- Meana's Vampire Page A page of vampires including Buffy.
- Star-Crossed Lovers A page dedicated to the forbidden love between Buffy and Angel. Over 1,000 pictures, many original as well as the B&A's History
- Codename: Angel A site focussing on the Slayer, her friends, enemies and lost love...
- X-Lander's World of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Site contains a Multimedia Gallery, Episode and Airdate guides, Cast Bios, Fanfic and more.
- Henry's Buffy Cafe Unique fanfic series on a diner theme site
- The Hidden World...
- Sanctuary Of The Slayer Downloads, episode guides, movie script...
Witness The Slayer
Writings of the Slayer
The Slayer's Crypt--Into the Abyss BtVs Forum, Gallery, Bios, Guestbook, Links, Awards..lots more!
The Bronze Images, links, etc...
The Slayer's Loft We are the Chroniclers. Come join us.
- MHS Buffy Page The Original Buffy-Only Search Engine
Special Ks BtVS site go to it dammit!
- Vampire-Slayer's Homepage
- Punch's Buffy the Vampire Slayer page Everything to do with BTVS!!
- Ms. Calendar's Domain
- The Slayer's Loft Image Closet images
- The Ultimate Buffy Page Sounds + Pics
- You're My Angel songs and poems for the men of Buffy
- The BtVS Keeper Sites Index Index to all BtVS keeper sites...have you staked your claim?
- The Willow Keepers Site Show your support for the shy wallflower by becoming a keeper.
- Suzanne's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Web Site character pages, some sounds/picutures,movie info. movie quiz, win award, and links
- Zax's Buffy The Vampire Slayer Page A magnitude of buffy related stuff, including images, bios's, episode guides, fanfic, postcards plus lots more
- Buffy The Vampire Slayer
- Vampires and Werewolves oh my Buffy book reviews, quiz, episode guide + more
Tom's Buffy Page Sounds, images, links
Angel (David Boreananz)
Buffy Summers (Sarah Michelle Gellar)-
Sarah Michelle Gellar - Star of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Dedicated to the beautiful actress Sarah Michelle Gellar. Contains a bio, pictures, movies and stuff to do with Buffy
- My Pretty Ladies Homepage Pics of SMG, Kate Winslet, Katie Holmes, Lucy Lawless and Cameron Diaz
- Simply Sarah Pictures, Links, Bio, etc... about Sarah Michelle Gellar.
- buffy'soneandonly It has news,episode guide,spoilers...
- Sarah Michelle Gellar Scan Site Original scans of Sarah Michelle Gellar.
- Kathy's Celebrity Page A Sarah Michelle Gellar Page
- Stephanie's simply Sarah Michelle Geller webpage stephanie's simply Sarah Michelle Geller webpage
- Buffy's Lair This Site has Daily BTVS News, SMG Pic. Galleries,BTVS Links,SMG's Bio, an Interactive Site, Spoilers and MUCH MORE.........
- slayers den Want to see Buffy? along with bios, pics, and theme. Iff you do just SURF ON IN to the SLAYERS DEN
- Angel's Buffy The Vampire Slayer Page Place to go for info on the cast members.
- Simply Irresistable A Sarah Michelle Gellar/Buffy site
- Slayers Den Want to see pics of Buffy, along with bio,links,themes. If you do just surf on in to the SLAYERS DEN. under construction
- Tonnes of Buffy Pics! Tonnes of Buffy Pics!
- My Shrine to Buffy Do you love SMG aka Sarah Michelle Gellar? If you do come and check out the coolest site on th net!!
- Buffy Q&A Experts who answer all your buffy questions
- "Love is Immortal"
- Slayers and Vampires Lair ---has pics infoguestbook polls and it is always under constuction!
- High quality images of Sarah Michelle Gellar
- Richards shrine to Sarah Michelle Gellar My shrine dedicated to Sarah Michelle Gellar
- Mike's Web Pics of Sarah Michelle Gellar
- Celebrity Calculators - Sarah Michelle Gellar
- Rook's Sarah Michelle Gellar Media Desktop Themes, Wallpapers, Winamp Skins, Screen Savers + More
- Sarah Michelle Gellar: Brighter Than Any Star in the Sky
- Gilgammar's Sarah Michelle Gellar Pics, bio, info and filmography
- Sarah Michelle Geller - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Lots of photo's of Sarah Michelle Geller. Also her bio..
- Illuminations of Sarah Michelle Gellar Your ultimate, in-depth guide to the actress behind the slayer
- All SMG Exceptional site containing everything Sarah Michelle Gellar.
- Xander's Shrine to Buffy Dedicated to the one and only Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar)
- Sarah Michelle Gellar TV Page
- Sarah Michelle Gellar Fan Page The unofficial fan page devoted to Sarah Michelle Gellar
Cordelia Chase (Charisma Carpenter)Rupert Giles (Anthony Stewart Head)Willow Rosenberg (Alyson Hannigan)- Witches and Werewolves A fansite dedicated to Willow and Oz, but also contains information on witchcraft and lycanthropy.
- A Spike Through Willow's Heart Spike & Willow Stuff
- My Aim is True.. Includes a section on the Evil Willow.. love love love..
- Willow Fan Page A site devoited to the best member of the slayerettes
- WillowNET A UK based Willow and Alyson site
- The Order of Hannigan This all-willow site has TONS of pics and other information!
- The Halls Of Willow Worship All Willow!!!!! Sounds, Images, Postcards, Links, etc......
- The Allyson Hannigan Shrine There's pics, the bio and sounds of Willow
- The Ultimate Willow Fan Page Everything you could ever want to know about Willow of Alyson Hannigan.
- Hannigawhat? Home of the Hanniganites.
- The Willow & Angel Shippers Page A site for W/A shippers, with fanfic, sounds, images, links, mailing lists, and more to come.
- Latin Willow Quote of the Day I have my own fun: quotes from my favorite Buffy character, translated into the language of millions of people, all of them dead
- The Alyson Hannigan Altar Shrine for Alyson Hannigan worshippers
- Alyson Hannigan Fan Webring Webring for the fans of Willow/Alyson Hannigan
Alexander 'Xander' Harris (Nicholas Brendon)Spike/Drusilla (James Marsters/Juliet Landau)- THE SHRINE OF SPIKE SPIKE SPIKE SPIKE! and some more SPIKE!!! just click here!
- The Shrine of Spike just go there!
- Vampires Yay Evil is good.
- Love At First Bite: Spike and Drusilla
- Miss Edith's Domain
- Spike: The Coolest Vamp Ever A site about coolest vamp on the show. Lists, fanfic, episode, pics, if you only knew how many pics
- Drusilla's Vampire page Page about the three vamps of sunnydale, also about the rest of the cast.
- Spike's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Links, Quotes, Lyrics, Pics
- Sunnydale's Spike and Drusilla
- A Home for Spike and Dru FanFic, Interviews, Photos, Links + More
- Drusilla's Dollhouse An unofficial homepage for Juliet Landau.
- Spike and Drusilla--The Sid and Nancy of the Vampire Set
Fan ClubsLink SitesMailing ListsMerchandise- UK Entertainment #1 Source in the UK for BtVS merchandise.
- Amazon Buy Buffy Books/Novels from Amazon
- CD-NOW Buy the Buffy Soundtrack from CD-NOW
- Reel Buy Buffy Videos from Reel
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer Trading Cards:The Unofficial Companion Everything you ever needed to know about Buffy trading cards
- Buffy Video Covers Video Tape Covers for all your taped episodes
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer Trading Cards: The Unofficial Companion Everything you ever needed to know about the Buffy trading cards.
- The Store is a one-stop online shopping spot for all your comic, Sci-Fi, genre TV, and movie merchandise
- Buffy: The Vampire Slayer T-Shirts! Soft cotton, official T-shirts, including figure-flattering baby-Ts!
- Creation Entertainment Official Buffy The Vampire Slayer Photos!
- Power Star Merchandise Extensive list of inexpensive Buffy Merchandise , pictures, posters, magazines, books, jewelry, etc.
- AnotherUniverse.COM The Store is a one-stop online shopping spot for all your comic, Sci-Fi, genre TV, and movie merchandise
- The TV Store Official Licensed Authorised Television Merchandise
mail The watcher's guild