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The Watcher's Guild
Fun Page

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So you're saying to your self "Bored Now", well...
On this page you can entertain your self with all sorts of neat things.
Go ahead take a look around.If you have any questions about this page just E-mail us at

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SO the little clock on your computer doesn't work,and there isn't a clock in the room?
Well why not look down, and see what time it is?

The year 2000 is approaching.
wether you see it as a mile stone, or the end of the world it's almost here.
Down below is a clock counting down to the year 2000 !

Only years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds left until the year 2000!!!

Oh, you don't like the backround?
Well then why not change it to your taste ?
Simply click on a button,or select a color from the menu.
