== This Site Was Updated On 8/21/99 == Hey Guy's It's been a long time since the last update. First Off,I had recently moved. So I no longer have a computer,or internet access. I'm posting this from the Public library wich is 25 miles from where I live. So due to the fact that I cant get here everyday,my friend Kerri Will be making some updates for the time being. You can send her Mail at kerri@dwp.net,or if it concerns the site,you can use twg1@dwp.net. I will try to get some of the episode guide finished,and I will have Kerri add it to site. Oh,and to all of my friends at the threaded board, I miss all of you,and can not wait untill I can return. Scooby - I'll try to work on the Aly page when I get back,or have kerri work on it. Seven - I hope you are having fun at school. Natty - Keep Up the great work with the one stop buffy stop,and fighting for originality on buffy sites. Terra,Lauren,Rose,Sait,Chelle,Troll,Xander X,DoBoy,and everyone else on the threaded board. - Soon I will return to the buffy board,but if you need to get in touch with me use my original e-mail address ,or the twg1@dwp.net. sincerely, -- Spike.w --
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