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The Watcher's Guild
Slayer Speak Page

So you want to Talk like the scooby gang huh?
Well then you came to the right place.
Here you will find a list of Slayer Speak.

Absalom- The vampire who has led the others since the Master's death.
Acathla- an ancient demon, fought by a virtuous knight and turned to stone when it died. Said to be able to suck the entire world into the vortex.
And Yet- Too bad, doesn't apply; used as a response.
Anne Rice Routine - The "I'm all tortured" act some vampires give.
The Annoited One - The Master's greatest warrier, called from the ashes of the Five on the evening of the thousandth day after the Advent of Septus. He is prophesied to lead the Slayer into Hell.
Annual Talentless Show - The more popular way to refer to Sunnydale High School Talent Show.
Any Where,But Here - Time-passing game, describe where you would be if anywhere but here.
Astral Projection - The theory that while one sleeps one has another body -- an astral body -- that can travel through time and space.
Aureluis - A prophet from medieval times who wrote many prophecies regarding the Slayer. His most infamous work is the Pergamum Codex.

Back Seat Mommying - When your mom gives you unasked for advice on how to handle your school egg-baby project.
Baddie - Bad guy, demon, vampire,evil creature ,etc..
Bad Mojo - Bad vibes given off by a paranormal hotspot.
Bezoar - A pre-historic parasite that lays eggs. The offspring then inhabit the body of the living and take over their motor functions.
Bitca - Xanders pronounciation of B*I*T*C*H.
Boyfriendly - Potential boyfriend material.
Brainstick - What you call it when you are not thinking rationally or unable to form a plan.
Brethren Of Aurelius - The followers of Aurelius and the initiates of his Order.
Brill - Brilliant
The Bronze - The coolest, and only club in Sunnydale.
Brooding - Appearing deep in thought and sullen.
Brother Luca -A monk from Italy who tries to warn people via the internet about the end of the world. Byo Shovel - Bring Your Own Shovel, the appropriate way to attend a night digging up graves in the local cemetery.

Carbon-Dated - Beyond passe.
Carpe Dien - Seize the day.
Chappy - Giles-speak for a guy.
Chatter In The Caff- Lunchroom gossip.
Chick Fight Thing - Female street fight with hair pulling and nail digging.
Circle Of Kayless - A mystical circle used to entrap demons. In ancient times it was used to entrap them in books, but its use can also be extended to virtual demons.
Claddagh Ring - A ring exchanged between two people as a sign of devotion. It bears three symbols: hands to represent friendship, a crown for loyalty and a heart for love. When it is worn with the heart towards you it means you have already given your heart to someone.
Corsheth - A God, and source of magical power a witch can call upon to destroy her enemies.
Country Music - The music of pain
The CreepyArchetypal object of creepiness.
Cryptic-Guy - Buffy's original nickname for Angel.

Dead Guy - Xander's jealous way of refering to Angel.
Demon -An evil creature who was banished from this Earth when Man came and has ever since been trying to regain control. One who walked the Earth for untold eons. In time they lost their purchase on this reality and were banished to another. There they await their chances to reclaim this world.
Diana - The Roman Goddess Diana, Godess of love and the hunt, to whom Amy calls when trying to put a love spell on Cordelia.
Dingos Ate My Baby - Name of the band that Oz plays in. The actual bands music is by Four Star Mary
Dogly - A guy who is not a studly, or unattractive.
Dollsome - Guy term for a cute member of the opposite sex.
Don't Warn The Tadpoloes - Refers to Willow's fear of amphibians/tadpoles. We get the gist that she may have a recurring nightmare about them. ("Don't warn the tadpoles!..I have frog fear")
Drama Queen - Someone who goes in for long, melodramatic explanations, like Giles.
Dread Hored Of Demonic Machines - What Giles calls the computer lab of Sunnydale High School, or anyplce else that has a computer around.
Du Lac Cross - A cross created by Josephus du Lac holding the key to decipher to mystical texts in the book he wrote.
Dust - Eliminate vampires using a stake.

Eggbret - Buffy's "chicken" egg she has to care for in order to become "sexually responsible".
Eligor - Some kind of powerful God to vampires. He has the ability to restore a vampire's health and strength using the blood of the sire.
ELSEWHERE TO BE Another engagement far away.
EVITA-LIKE Self-centered , arrogant,Madonna-like.
EXORCIST TWIST Full turn of the head executed by teenage-boy-killing praying mantises and Linda Blair in the movie Xorcist.
EYGHON A demon, also known as the Sleepwalker, who can only exist in this reality by possessing an unconscious host.

FAMILY HOME Ken's homeless shelter, which he uses to bring people to his world to work as slaves.
FIVE, THE A group of five people, prophecied to die to deliver the Anointed One to the Master.
FIVE BY FIVE Still friends or allies after a misunderstanding or a bout of personal friction; cool.
FLYING FATALITY Buffy's nickname for her cross-bow.
FORMER Someone's ex-boyfriend/girlfriend.
FUMIGATION PARTY An annual tradition at the Bronze, before shutting down for a week to Nuke the cockroaches.
FUZZY FEELINGS Happy feeling one has towards someone of something.

GATHERING Subdued party with mellow song stylings and brie.
GENE AND ROGER Unsolicited criticism (as in Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert).
GET PELVIC To become sexually intimate.
GO NON-VERBAL What guys do when they start thinking with the wrong body part.
GUY CODE A set of unwritten laws that only guys know and follow.

HAPPY MEAL ON LEGS Spike's way of explaining why he likes humans; "Millons of people walking around like happy meals on legs".
HARVEST A night once in a century when a Master Vampire can draw power from one of his minions while it feeds.
HAVE A HAPPY Being giddy over something, excited.
HECATE The Greek Goddess of all creatures, great and small, the one whom Amy called upon to turn Buffy into a rat.
HELEN KELLER Unobservant person ("My eyes are hazel, Helen Keller").
THE HELLMOUTH A dimensional portal between this reality and the next. The Old Ones and many other demons with them were trapped on the other side when Man took over the Earth. Many demons since then have tried to open it and bring them back.
HEMREY HIGH Buffy's old high school, located in Los Angeles.
HERBERT Sunnydale High Schools short lived mascot (a wild Bore).
HITTING A MOJOR BACKSPACE Loing points in popularity status.
HONEY Attractive Male.
HOOTENANNY Chock full of hoot with a little bit of nanny.
HOTTIE Attractive Male or Female.

INTERREGNUM The place where spirits and souls go after they have left this reality.
ISSUES Your own personal problems. Can be used with any noun. ("You're having Parental issues" Or, "Issues much?")
IT'S ENTIRELY POINTY! A response one can give when someone says "It's rather pointless."

JANUS A Roman mythical God, represents the division with two faces on one head. He is called upon by Ethan Rayne on Halloween to make all those who wear his costumes turn whatever they were masquerading as.
JOAN COLLINS TUDE Snappy personality, rude, egotistical, and vain. ("Whatever is causing the Joan Collins Tude You should deal with it")
JONES To have an inexplicable Indiana Jones-type obsession over something that appears to be of absolutely no value whatsoever.
THE JUDGE A demon brought forth to rid the Earth of the plague of humanity. A very powerful demon who can separate the righteous from the wicked and burn down the righteous -- those who have even the smallest sparkle of humanity in them -- by the simple touch of his hand. Only a true creature of evil can survive it. In the older times, it was written that no weapon forged could destroy the Judge. Until Buffy uses an anti-tank rocket launcher, that is.
KALDERASH The tribe of gypsies that cursed Angelus by restoring his soul. Also the clan Jenny Calendar belongs to.
KAKISTOS A Master vampire so old that his hands and feet are cloven. He came to Sunnydale following Faith after he'd killed her parents and Watcher.
KEYSER SOZED Duped into believing in a non-existent villain by the actual bad guy, a`la The Usual Suspect ("Does anybody else feel like they've been Keyser Sozed?").
KINDESTOD, DER German for 'child death'. A demon who feeds off children by literally sucking the life out of them. It is invisible to all but the children who are so sick they become a target.
KISS OF DEATH What the words 'Have a nice Summer' mean when written in a yearbook.

JOSEPHUS DU LAC The leader of a religious sect that was excommunicated by the Vatican. He wrote a book filled with rituals and spells that reap unspeakable evil, including a spell that can restore a weak vampire to its full strength. It was written in archaic Latin so only the sect members could read it. The only item that exists with the code to decipher his texts is the Du Lac Cross which was buried with him.
LACKLUSTER EVENING A boring evening due to lack of funds and a place to go.
LAGOS A demon who came to Sunnydale in search of the Glove of Myhnegon and the power it contains. A quick beheading by Buffy stopped him.
LIVING IMPAIRED AMERICAN A vampire See also Undead American.
LONELY ONES (How the vampire-wannabes at the Sunset Club refer to vampires.
LURCONIS A demon, who requires a tribute every thirty years in the form of four human babies. This demon was one used by Mayor Wilkins to rise to power in Sunnydale.

MACHIDA A demon, half-man, half-snake who needs to be fed once a year with three young girls. In exchange, he provides those who feed him with great wealth and power.
MAIDEN VOYAGE A first date.
MALLEUS MALEFICARUM One of Giles' books about demonic possession.
MANGUS-TRIPOD A triangle formed by three people who chant to bind a demon and keep it from doing more harm.
MARK OF EYGHON Tattoo worn by the initiates of Eyghon.
MASTER One The most powerful of vampires, capable of destroying the earth.
MENTALLY CHALLENGED Dumb, or not knowing/catching something that's very clear, common, basic or very noticable.
MOLOCH A demon, also known as the Corruptor. This demon is very deadly and seductive, and draws people to him with promises of love, power and knowledge, preying on impressionable minds. He was trapped in a book in Italy in the 15 th century and released by Willow when she scanned the book into the computer. Moloch then took over the Internet and began an on-line relationship with Willow.
MORBID MUCH Something being very gross or disgusting.
MR. GORDO Buffy's stuffed pig.
MR. POINTY Kendra'a lucky stake.
MR. TRICK A modernized vamp, very in to the computer age.
GLOVE OF MYNEGON A glove made of leather, chain mail and plate mail, with small spikes along the plates that cover the back of the hand and the forearm and with ten hinged claws ringed around the opening. It is to be a Glove of incredible power, and once put on cannot be removed. It was buried in one of Sunnydale's cemeteries until both Lagos and Gwendolyn Post came looking for it.

NIGHT OF ST. VIGIOUS The one night a year that vampires are more powerful than normal.
NON-BUDGER Someone who won't budge on changing their mind on a subject.

OOGY Funky feeling often associated with flu symptoms.
ORB OF THESULAH The most important item in the ritual to restore someone's soul. The Kalderash used it to summon Angelus' soul from the ether and temporarily store it until it could be transferred into his body.
ORDER OF AURELIUS A religious sect that follows the teachings of Aurelius.
ORDER OF TARAKA A society of deadly assassins, demons though no vampires. Though they work together, each member works alone and where one fails the next will come until their mission is accomplished.
OVERACHIEVEROne who no one likes.
OVU MOBANI A demon from Nigeria, trapped in a mask. The mask can bring the dead back to life, and whenever one of them puts on the mask, he can resurrect the demon.

THE PACK A group of students possessed by the spirits of hyenas. They are responsible for the death of Principal Flutie & Herbert.
PATROLLING Hunting for random vampires.
PERGAMUM CODEX A book reputed to contain the most complete prophecies about the Slayer's role in the end years. It foretold Buffy's death as she would finally face the Master. Written by Aurelius.
POST FUMIGATION PARTY The party on the night of the Bronze's reopening night after it's annual fumigation. The only difference between it and the Pre-Fumigation Party is heartier cockroaches.
PRIMALS A sect of animal worshippers who believe that the human soul is a perversion, a dilution of the spirit, and to whom the animal soul is holy. They are able to transfer the animal spirit to them through trans-possession.
ROUND ROBIN Group porcess of calling individual members parents to say each is staying at another's house for an alibi, esp. when used in vampire slaying.

SCARE-A-PALOOZA What one would expect vamps to have on Halloween.
SCULLY Explain paranormal activity with scientific rationale; homage to The X-Files' Dana Scully.
SHARE Just what it sounds like, share, cough up what you know.
SHE-GILES Female with Watcher's knowledge of the supernatural and slayer history; Kendra.
SHEEP A follower, someone always out to please to be popular.
("Harmony, you're a sheep") SHE-MANTIS Also known as the Kleptes-Virgo or virgin-thief. A demon in the form of a giant praying mantis. It takes the form of a beautiful woman and lures virgin boys to her nest. There she forces them to fertilize her eggs after which she kills them.
SHINDIG Medium intensity with less mellow song stylings where dip and malt beverages are often served.
SID A demon-hunter who was cursed into the body of a ventriloquist dummy.
SLAGGED The way Buffy looks after a hard night of patroling for Vampires.
SLAYER A girl born once every generation with the strength and skill to hunt vampires, find them where they gather and stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers.
SMOOCHIES Kissing, general date stuff.
SPONTANEOUS HUMAN COMPUSTION " El bursto into flamo, like the human torch, except it hurts."
SO Very Much.
STATISTICAL IMPOSSIBILITY That a sixteen year old girl would willfully unplug her phone.
ST. VIGIOUS Vampire who led others on a mighty crusade against mankind.
THE NIGHT OF ST. VIGIOUS The night on which the vampires celebrate St.Vigeous, the night on which their power is at its peak.
SUNNY-HELL Spike's way of refering to Sunnydale.
SUPERCHICK Abnormally powerful woman.
SURROUND SOUND In full color and stereo. A very vivid dream.

THE THREE A threesome of very strong and powerful vampires.
TRANSPOSSESION To transfer the spirit of one being into another.
THE WACKY Irrational behavior often caused by love.

UBERSUCK Major bummer, like the worst possible thing that could happen.
UNDEAD AMERICAN The modern and more politically correct way to refer to a Vampire. See also Living Impaired American.

VAMPIRE MEALS ON WHEELS The monthly medical transportation of blood to the Sunnydale Hospital.
VAUGE THAT UP Make a completely foggy explanation more unclear (sarcasm).
VAMPIRE Demonic creatures who live off the blood of humans; a vampire appears to be a normal person until the feed is upon them -- only then do they reveal their true demonic visage.
VESSEL A minion, Bearing a three-pointed symbol, which can give the Master Vampire power by feeding.

WATCHER Person who finds the Slayer and leads her on her path; it is his destiny to guide the Slayer.
WEATHERLY PARK A park in Sunnydale.
WEREWOLF A human who turns into a wolf three nights every month, on the night before, the night of and the night after the full moon. One generally becomes a werewolf only after been bitten by one or after the blood of one has somehow entered his body.
WHAT'S YOUR CHILDHOOD TRAUMA? Cordelia's favorite way of asking 'What's your problem?'
WIGGINS The creeps
WIGGY To freak out; act weird; be creepy.
WITCH A demon who can cast spells to eliminate those who oppose her.
WONDERLAND TOUR Oz-speak for girls who are pretty with lots of flashing lights but not a whole lot of depth or substance.
YESTER Over, history ("forget about our fight, it's totally yester")

Most of the information contained on this site came from the Doman of slain site.
As well as from "The Watcher's Guide" written by Christopher Golden & Nancy Holder
we do not own, nor claim any ownership of this site.This site is for entertainment purposes only.
All Buffy the vampire slayer related information is copyrighted © 1999 by The WB Television Network
kuzui productions,mutant enemy & 20th century fox film productions.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is created by Joss Whedon and belongs, to Mutant Enemy, Kuzui/Sandollar Productions
20th Century Fox. No copyright infringement is intended.