Here at the Bronze threaded Posting Board There are some rules that we follow.
The "TPB" is a highly developed society of Buffy fans from around the world.
If you are new, it can seem very confusing,and you may feel like it is difficult to be heard.
Here are some rules that we regulars follow
"The Threaded Posting Board" is not a Chat Room.
It is mainly used for discussing topics,or questions about the show.
The Threads That you post are usually limited to Three posts on the board at any given time.
Before you ask any questions regarding how to obtain
pictures, letters or autographs from the cast,or crew ,or if you want to know how to contact them please read the F.A.Q here
chances are that you will be ignored if you ask any of those questions
in "The Threaded Posting Board".
please Do not post your real name, address or phone number anywhere
or give the information out to anyone.
This is, or can be very dangerous.
please Be aware of time zone and international time differences.
Some Buffy episodes air earlier on the East Coast and sometimes days in advance in Canada.
They can even air earlier on some satilite networks.
Please do not post "Spoilers" , most people wouldn't like to have the Episode spoiled for them.
Here is an example of how to post spoilers.
What happened, or what you thought about An episode
You might see the word "Spoiler" used often here at "The Bronze".
The term "Spoiler",or "Spoilers" are posts that talk about a new ,or upcoming episode.
The point of is this is not to ruin the show for
Others by telling them what happened,or what might happen in futer Episodes.
Also do not post any thing in all caps.
This is a sure way to be ignored, or even get"Flamed" by other posters.
Please do not abuse the board, or any of the other posters here.
Once agian the chances are you will be You will, probally be "Flamed",or ignored.
you might even be reported to the system administrator.
If you would like to learn how ,and what html tags that are used here Go here.
Patience is the key to being successful at posting here.
The best way to become a part of this society is to read other posts, and familiarize
yourself with the regulars. Try posting a question directly to so me one for an answer.
please try to remember to wait at least ten minutes for a response.
There is no set amount on the number of posts that
one can post
In a picticular thread.
Also to reply to a thread please click on the "Reply to this thread" button
As aposed to clicking on the"make a new thread"
Common phrases used here at the Threaded board.
BTW- this means -By the way.
BRB-This means Be right back.
B/C- this means -because
J/K- this means- Just Kidding
J&K- this means -Joking & Kidding
Dingoes - This refers to the fictional band- Dingoes ate my babies.
Bezoars -This is refering to the creature in -"Bad Eggs", It also refers to the problem posters.
A Quick Reveiw of the Rules
Rule.1 This Is not a chatroom so don't make chat threads.
Rule.2 Limit your posts there should be no more than 3 on the board at any given time.
Rule.3 Do not post questions regaurding how to obtian the star's addresses, or E-mail addresses.
Rule.4 Do not post personal information This can be dangerous
Rule.5 Do not post information pertianing to a recent episode To do this use the spoiler warning.
Rule.6 Do not abuse the board by cheating the system's filters.
Rrule.7 Do not abuse the the other posters This is known as flaming ,and it is wrong.
Thank you Chelle & everyone whom worked on the original page !
Please do not affiliate this page with her in any way, thank you.