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undefined Poems By Pam

~Poems By Pam~

Please sit back and hopefully you will enjoy
the poetry I have written.
It has taken time to find
out that I can actually write poetry,
and am now sharing it for all the world
to see. So please relax and enjoy
the music and words and hopefully
you will leave here with a song in your heart
Like I did after writing these
Thank you!!

~Triumphant O Lord~

Triumphant o Lord
As I do see
The love of your word
Embedded in me


Lovers entwined
Passions embrace
Beauty and vision
Is God's good grace

~Angel Of Heaven Above~

Angel of heaven above
Help guide my sweet babes with love
Keep them from evil and hatred
Make them as pure as the dove

~Rose of Love~

Your love is like a blooming rose
Fresh and sweet
Pure of heart
Never skipping a beat
Your glow is bright
Your love is my light
Never stop
Or my heart will wilt
Like the rose petals
Meetings it's death

~Homeward Bound~

You are my sun in the morning
Shining so bright
You are my light in the evening
When the sun has dimmed its light
You are the moon shining its everlasting light
Guiding my path to love never found
Finding it's way
Homeward bound

~Friend Of Laughter~

Friend of laughter
Friend of pain
Friend of sorrow
Friend of gain
Thank you my friend
Of joys given to me
For I have not
If it weren't for a friend
Like thee


Her movement
Her style
Her beauty
Her grace
I see nothing but beauty upon her face
Her eyes of passion
Her touch of silk
Her lips of pink
Her love you drink
Her charm
Her voice
Her fashion
Her desire
IS your passion

~For Tesa & Mike~

The time has come for two lovers to part
But just remember it's only in body
Not in heart
Your love is there and will remain
So never forget
You will be together again!!!

~Wicked Passion~

The clouds darkening
The wind is high
The rain is pelting
On someones nigh
The thunder cracking
Lightning bright
Your arms of strength hold me tight
Fear me not
Your evils do not scare
For my lovers arms
Are here to bare

~Wedding Poem~

On this day
Your one of many firsts
You unite your heart and soul
As you both become one as whole
You start with a kiss
Vows of your bliss
Then slip the rings
Of lifes loves everlasting
You celebrate with those who share your love
You lift up your cups and rise it above
For everyone to see
Your beginnings of firsts
Loves lastings

~Love Is~

Love is power
Love is grace
Love is for whom you let embrace
Love is strength
Love is weak
Love is only those of meek
Love is beauty
Love is sight
Love is of the morn,sun that shine so bright
Love is hurt
Love is pain
Love is all above
Or nothings gained


Imagination is for the peace of mind
To explore the thoughts of never come true
The thoughts of life in the unknown
The thoughts of love and passion alone
We dream in this place day or night
Whenever we let our minds be might
The fog is lifting to become clear
Of the thoughts we wish could be near
We hold them tight with all our might
To help make pain a passion of delight
We cherish them closely one and all
For we know we don't share them
Because they are your all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~My Precious Doves~

Children of mine, I hold you tight
To love and cherish, with all my might
You are my heart, you are my soul
Even though apart, we are still whole
Remember me my sweet loves
My precious doves
I hold you close, within my heart
Remember, no distance can keep us apart
For a mother's love, is the strongest for you
Just never forget, my love is true

~Dream Lover~

Dreams of her lover
Holding her tight
Dreams of her kiss
So soft so light
Dreams of her hands
Caressing your face
Dreams of her eyes
Taking their place
Dreams of her skin
So soft to the touch
Dreams of her words
"I love you so much"
Dreams of her fading
Into the light
Dreams of her vanishing
Holding on so tight
Dreams of her vision
All lost in the night
Dreams of her lover
A memory
Not sight…

~The Whispering Kiss~

I stare into your eyes
Watching you grow
In beauty and love
Loves sensual glow
Listening to the sound
Of hearts desire
Hearing the passion
Feeling the desire
Two hearts beating
The rythym of love
Angels watching
Silently above
Knowing these souls
Are bound for life
Feeling the power
Knowing its strife
Letting go of their souls
So as not to miss
The silence and grace of
The whispering kiss

~Gurardian Angel~

I do believe you are here with me
Watching my every move
Guiding me on the path that is right
Letting me see only the light
All I can do is prove
That what you teach is what I do
Please never leave my side
Or my path will lead me astray
Guide me to that light
That shines so bright
Guide me where love is
I will do all I can to show
That my life is worth more
Than I'll ever know
I look up into the sky each night
Hoping to see you there
Your twinkling in the sky
Makes me wonder if you are there
I smile knowing you are
And I go on knowing in my heart
That you are there
Shining brightly for me to see
Your everlasting love

~Passion's Trust~

My lips to kiss
They do await
My soul is bound
To you my mate
My heart thumping
A rythymatic beat
Our blood pumping
With passions heat
Feeling the power
Craving the lust
For in your arms
I do trust


Loneliness is like an abadoned leaf
On a dead tree
You don't know if you'll regain life
Or not
You sit there alone wondering
What's going to happen to you next
Then one day you fall
The wind picks you up and takes you
To an unknown place
Now you feel even lonlier because the
Surroundings around you are different
You feel like you did
Back in your old place
But now you're in a strange place
No one to talk to or tell jokes to
No one to tell problems to
It's a whole new world out there
Be prepared...

~Flame Of Fire~

Flame of fire
So wild and bright
Red, blue, yellow, green and white
You are my desire
You are my light
Guide me through
This everlasting life
Let me see laughter
Let me see pain
Let me see passion
Or lust the same
Bring me joy
Bring me strife
Bring me all
I will do right
Oh flame of fire
Shine your light
Let me be wild
Let me be bright
Free as the bird
That flies so high
Spread my wings
Soar till nigh
My dreams of fantasy
My dreams of love
Oh please lord
Make come true
All the above

~Loves Warmth Devine

Fallen angel I do see
Falling from the nigh
My eyes are closed
But you do see
The love beyond
The passion for me
My arms are waiting
Waiting for thee
Falling deeper
Rescuing me

Our bodies meet
The skins first touch
Feeling the warmth
We crave so much
It takes us over
Devouring our hearts
Sharing precious moments
Wanting us never to part

Chills run down our spines
Uncontrollably wonderous
Unbelieveably devine
Feed off my body
Feed off my mind
Feed off my love
Take whatever you find
Feeling so whole
As our bodies do grind
The heat of the moment
The lust from within
Taking us over
As our journey begins

Soaring down
From Heaven above
God's own creation
The bird of love
Wings spread wide
Showing its pride
As it sings loves song
As it passes us along
Leaving us alone
Knowing its job is done
So our bodies and souls can
Become ONE

~Whispers of Love~

Gods gates opened
He took me in
His arms stretched wide
My soul within
Tells me to look deep
Look and see
My family weep for the loss of me
Your eyes a glow with tears not yet shed
I whisper softly into your heads
Don't cry for me my children
I am safe within his arms
My pain is gone
My soul alive
My spirit lives on deep inside
So weep no more
The memories we all hold dear
Live on and on
Inside each one of you

~Of You I Dream~

The stars the sun
The moonlight nights
I dream of your arms
Holding me tight
Touch your skin
Of pure delight
My lips await your kiss
Of passion and sight
Your soul I want
Your love I crave
I learn from you
The ways of the brave
To see and hold things
As you do see
The little miracles
We miss each day
But since we've met
You've filled my dreams
Of love

~My Prayer~

You are my life
You are my destiny
Let our hearts and souls be free
Together we do right
Apart we are lost
Let this my lord
Be what we've been looking for
The thoughts and dreams
Of yesteryear
Be thoughts and dreams
Of our coming years !!!!

~My Prayer For You~

They have seen your first smile
Your first moves too
You touched their hearts
The first day they met you
No one can take your place
That has filled their hearts
Your pain you're suffering
They feel deep inside
And because of caring people
The world sees your need
For a prayer and a cheer
We will be there sweet one
All of us near
In your time of hurt
In your time of pain
We will be there to help you through
To see that your parents
Don't suffer and see you through
Just remember an angel is near
Guiding your sweet heart
To a path that's clear
Hoping the road stays long and wide
Smiling from heaven
With a smile of pride
Knowing you're fine
She continues to teach
The world of love, hope and charity

~Remember Me!!~

Hello daddy, remember me
Your child of long ago
I remember you but only vaguely
Cause my memory of you fades me so

I hear about you all the time
But you never seem to hear
My calls of missing you
Of wanting and having you near

I have a family of my own now
And wish for you to meet
They know I have a daddy
And wonder why it's not complete
As they watch my face and wonder
Why their mommy sheds a tear

I do not know what to say
I just hope that soon one day
We will meet to make this wish
A treasured bliss

I call to let you know I'm here
But you ignore by begging plea
All I want is a daddy
Who remembers me for me !!!!!!!

~Shadows of Night~

The cottage aglow, with fires sweet light
As golden shadows, dance in the night
The figure of Her, caressing the flames
Tears of hurt, tears of pain
For this the world she blames
Her lover is gone, gone out of sight
The water she bathes, soothes her skin with delight
The scent of roses fills the room
Nature's flowers in full bloom
She washes away her tears from her face
A small smile appears as she stares into space
Her thoughts of yesteryear still as fresh
As the touch and feel of his tender caress
Knowing his return is days to come
Means more to her than life to some
Remembering his kiss, of sweet wedded bliss
The honeymoon, one second they did not miss
The passion, the lust of lover's delight
As the cottages glow fades for the night


Two hearts that beat
In passions heat
Two souls that bind
In the lovers mind
Two lips that kiss
No moment they miss
Two souls are bound
Lovers life finally found

~Victorian Rose~

Victorian rose of sunshine bright
I rise you up into the light
Your beauty a pleasure
For these eyes of sight

Soft and silky is your touch
Your pureness, a crave I much
Reaching you up holding you tight
Seeing, searching with all my might

Bloom my rose of ruby red
So your petals drop slowly upon my bed
My fingers awaits to caress
My body awaits your sweet tenderness

Soothing the soul, smooth as silk
You're flow of beauty like pouring milk
Making my skin bubble with pride
Waves in motion of the coming tide

Taking me away from life's depress
Gently winding my days of stress
My mind free, my bodies content
Me as a whole, thanks you
For a moment well spent


The tears
The pain
The hopes
The dreams

The love
The passion
The touch
The feel

The laughter
The cries
The darkness
The light

If you have not these
You have not loved

~Thy Grace~

Her lips as red as the rose
Her skin as pure as silk
Her touch the grace of love
Her face the look of trust
Her eyes shining bright as the stars
Upon our moonlight night
Her voice the melody of your dreams
Her being is thy honour
As is thy lust

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