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About The Business

My Business is really just an extension of one of my hobbies, or really, a combination of two of them. I've always loved photography, I've got boxes full of pictures that I don't even have albums for. Then when camcorders came out I simply had to have one of them too.

I also like to show off my pictures, but after a while some of them would get a little ragged along the edges, I've acually had some ripped in half when two people tried to grab one at the same time. A few had even turned up missing, but I loved showing them off too much to stop.

Then, late one night while I was looking through some of them and seeing what condition they were in, I thought about my camcorder tapes and that I was glad that they didn't have to go through that kind of abuse. The news was on TV and they were showing some still pictures that a newsman had took during the Gulf War and it hit me, it they could put those pictures on the TV, then why couldn't I put my pictures on a video tape.

After a few false starts and mistakes, I succeeded. Then, when I would show them to someone, they would want to know where I had them made. After telling them that I did it myself, several asked me to make them one. Everyone seemed to like them and I soon realized that I may have just stumbled onto the business that could let me work at home and be with my family more.

So that's how my business got started, my love of pictures and the desire to protect them. That's the reason that I have always had my unconditional satisfaction guarantee on the Video Photo Albums, because I know that you love your photos as much as I love mine, so if you're not as proud of the tape as you are the pictures, what good is it?
