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Other Options

1. You may choose to make your own sound track. There is no charge for this service. When you receive your Album, there will be no sound on it. Set a tape recorder beside your seat and put the Album in the VCR. Push play on the VCR at the same time as you push record on the tape recorder. Then as each picture appears on the screen, talk about it. Do not have any copyrighted music playing in the background as that would make it Illegal for me to copy onto your album. Always play it back to make sure that it sounds the way you want it to, then return the Album and the tape and I will mix the sound track onto the Photo Album. Send only the Return Shipping cost for this Free service.

2. We can also transfer partial photographs. If you want only part of the picture in the Album, we can Zoom in on a section, person, or object, transferring it only. There is no charge for this service. Simply tape an index card to the back of the picture explaining exactly what you want to appear in the Photo Album.

3. WE have 8 different color backgrounds to choose from for the title pages:White, dark Lavender, Blue, Pink, light Lavender, Green, Turquoise, & Beige. No Charge, simply make a note on the index card for that title page.

4. We can make a Scrolling message across the bottom of a photo. Counts as a caption *$2.00* each, put message on an index card with the word "Scroll" at the top and tape it to the back of the photo you wish it to appear on.

5. We now transfer 35mm slides as well but instead of the $.35 per photo charge, we have to charge $.50 per slide. All other costs remain the same.

6. In the Near future we will be transferring 8mm & Super 8mm home movies to video tape. Although this service is not currently available, if you have them, keep checking back, we will be offering it SOON.

7. If you can't decide without seeing a Video Photo Album, we have Demo-tapes. We do have a $5.00 charge but when you return it with an order, you will receive a full $5.00 credit against the Video Photo Album. ( US or Canada only)
