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One of the best, but most ignored cooking secret, is that Great food is prepared in Great- Pots, Pans, and Dishes. The main key can be summed up in one word, "HEAVY!" Heavy cookware builds heat gradually and more evenly, preventing the scorching effect that you get in cheap, thin cookware. Also, a heavy, tight-sealing lid will hold in more of the steam, and therefore more of the flavor. In other words, the more of the aroma that is in the air, means less flavor that will be in the food.

I know that most of you can't just run out and buy the best cookware set on the market, I know I sure can't. One of my friends paid more for his set than I paid for my car. He dished out over SIX GRAND!!! for his, I may have a hundred invested in mine, and guess what, he often borrows some of mine because it does a better job. His is a great set, looks good too, it even all matches. I rooted mine out at yard sells, auctions, flea markets, etc.... Get the idea, most of the old stuff was built with quality in mine, it will virtually last forever.

The only thing that I buy new is my non-stick and electric stuff. Also, Never buy the cheap coated non-stick surface, with this, you Always get what you pay for.

When looking for your cookware, the main question you should ask yourself is: Do I want a great looking Kitchen or great tasting Food?