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A Bat Mobile (no, not a superhero's car LOL)

A bat mobile is a nice thing to hang in corners and it sways with the wind.

You will need:

black bristolboard
a bat pattern
invisible thread or fishing line

Using my pattern, cut out one very large bat, and 3 or 4 smaller ones. For the bigger one you may need to make my pattern larger on your computer, or you can use it to copy to draw one freehand yourself. Bats are easy. Just make sure you draw it on paper first and then trace your picture onto your bristolboard and cut them all out.

Use a hole puncher to cut one hole in the top of the large bat's head, and each of the little bats' heads as well. Punch one hole in your large bats wings to spread out where you will be hanging your little bats. If you have 3 small ones, you will punch one hole in the end of each of the big bat's wings and down between his toes. If you have 4 small bats, you will need to space them out evenly on the large bat's wings.

Cut different lengths of your fishing line and attach your little bats to your big bats. Tie a string on the top of your big bat and hang them all from the ceiling in your house!

Let it blow gently in the breeze.


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