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Donut Eating Game

This game is one that I found on the internet so I take no credit for it. It is quite simple though, and I haven't had the chance to try it yet so if you do, email me and let me know how it goes for you!

You take a string and hang it like a clothesline from one end of your room to the other.

Before you attach the second end, you need to string donuts on it through their holes.

Let your children try to see who the first person is that can get the donut completely off the string without dropping any pieces. It seems pretty challenging. LOL

I think this might be a game that I would try outside... I have a real clothesline out there and that might work! LOL

Oh yeah! I forgot to mention that every child should have their hands tied or held behind their backs. (It may not be a good idea to tie hands of children, in case thier parents find out and want to try it at home LOL)

HAVE FUN!!! And Happy Halloween!!!

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