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Frankie Coaster to Crochet


You will need:

Green Worsted Weight Yarn
Very small amount of purple or black yarn and orange yarn
H Hook
Yarn needle for weaving ends in and facial features

Row 1. With green, chain 11, hdc in second chain from hook and in each chain across, chain 2, turn.

Row 2. Two hdc in first stitch, hdc across, 2 hdc in last stitch, chain 2, turn.

Rows 3 – 11. Hdc in each stitch across, chain 2, turn. At the end of the 11th row, in the last stitch before the chain 2, change to purple or black for hair (I used variegated).

Row 12. Hdc drop stitch (hdc OVER 11th row, and thru the hole UNDER the first stitch, and skip the first stitch, this makes his bangs), hdc in next stitch, alternate these across to end of row, ending with the hdc drop stitch, pull thru, finish off, weave end in.

Eyes (make 2):

With white, chain 2, 6 sc in sec ch from hook, pull thru, leave long length for sewing to face. Using purple or black, French knot in the center of the eye for his pupil. Sew to his face, one on each side. With orange or yellow, embroider a squiggly mouth under eyes and a row of stitches above one eye on a funky angle with purple.


Join purple or black yarn to the end of the second row of Frankie’s face, chain 4, sl st in second ch from hook, ch 2, sl st in second ch from hook and back down remaining 2 chains of beginning chain. Sl st in same stitch as starting bold, pull thru, weave in end.

Repeat on other side to make second bolt.

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