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Indoor or Outdoor Ghosts


This is kind of cute. I think you can buy these if you prefer, or if you want to save your cash, you can make them easily out of white kitchen plastic bags. You can make these ghosts as large as you like or as small as you like, and you can hang them anywhere. I have seen them in trees or you can hang them inside your house or on the front of your porch.

You will need:

white kitchen plastic bags
black permanent marker
invisible thread or fishing line

Cut your bags on the seams to separate the front from the back. If you want to make a larger size ghost, don't cut it, just use the whole bag for one ghost.

If you did cut it fold it in half.

Put some newspaper in a ball and center it in the middle of the fold. Make it into the shape of a head with your hands. Put the white plastic over it to cover it and tie under the head to make the neck. Do not worry about how the rest of the plastic looks because you want it to look a little bit ragged for the ghost's sheet.

Draw a scary face on it with the permanent marker or you can make each ghost look different or they can even have different moods!

Use your fishing line to hang them all over the place!!

HAVE FUN!! And Happy Halloween!!

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