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Turkey Gravy

MMMM Can you just imagine the smell of a house with a great big Christmas turkey in the oven? Sometimes I put my turkey in the oven in the middle of the night just so I can smell that wonderful smell when I wake up in the morning. LOL Anyway, that isn't what this page is about. LOL So here it is.

Good Turkey Gravy

you will need

turkey liquid or stock
chicken boullion powder or cubes (to match the amount of liquid)
about 1/2 cup of flour mixed with water to make a light paste

Pour off liquid from cooked turkey into a large saucepan. Put in your chicken boullion cubes or powder. Turn burner up pretty high. I use the maximum heat, but you don't have to because when it starts to boil, it may boil over if you aren't careful. You can use just under maximum heat so it doesn't boil quite so vigorously.

Make sure your flour and water mixture isn't lumpy and then add it to your liquid mixture. Start stirring immediately and do not stop until it is boiling for about 5 minutes. You can add more flour and water mixture if you want to make it more thicker.

Don't worry too much if you get lumps because you can always take care of those pesky things with either a hand blender or an electric mixer. Just Whizz Em Away!!!! LOL

Merry Christmas!

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