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M & M Costume for any size child


My son told me last year that he wanted to be a blue M&M.
Okay, I said, Let's see what we can come up with.

You will need:

About a metre of material, whichever colour your child prefers.
2 White Felt Sheets
Sewing equipment, Machine, Thread, Scissors, etc.
This Pattern

Measure your child from the top of his neck at the back of his head to the middle of his thigh. I used newsprint to make a large pattern a complete circle that is the diameter of the number you measured from your child. For example: my son was 26 inches from the top of his neck to the middle of his thigh, so the diameter of my circle was 26 inches. When you have made your pattern, pin it to your coloured material and cut 2.

I held it up to him and put 2 X's at approximately the mid humerus length (upper arm) on one of the large circles of material on the inside. There, I cut a line about 7 inches vertically and sewed the sides to make a hem on either side of each slit. These are the arm holes. This is the front.

To make the back, I cut a slit down the middle about a third of the way and sewed velcro on each side to make it easy to get on and off.

Using the Pattern provided for the M, trace and cut 2 from the white felt. Sew one onto the front good side and one on the back piece, on the good side.

Place the circles together with the good sides facing in and sew around the circles, leaving 12 inches open at the bottom for your child's legs. VOILA! You have an M & M.

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