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Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin!

This is a basic variation on the classic "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" game. I made my pumpkin and the kids had a ball colouring it for me! You can colour it yourself or print it out on your computer if you prefer though. :)

You will need:

a very large piece of paper, bristolboard or plain newsprint
black magic marker
pencil, pencil crayons or markers
LOTS of kids!!

Get out your paper or bristolboard and draw with a pencil a very large pumpkin with the top stem and eyes and mouth on its face, but not the nose. Trace your drawing with black magic marker and colour it anyway you like. Keep in mind though that most pumpkins are orange. LOL Your kids might enjoy colouring it for you, but keep in mind that crayon colouring may make it difficult for the tape to stick during your game and may make it easier for your children to detect where the face is (they are very smart, those kiddies!).

Don't forget to make some black triangles for noses. You can have your children make different shapes for each child if you like. You need at least one per child at your party. Put each one on a piece of tape and stick it to a non-peeling surface for safe-keeping.

When your pumpkin is a pretty orange (or not) and completely coloured, tape it to a wall that is arm level to your average size child and blindfold the first child. Let each child take turns trying to pin the nose on the center of the pumpkin. You can mark this spot with an "X" if you like to make it easier to judge the winners. If the children are a bit older, you can make it a bit more difficult by spinning them once for each year they are old. e.g. My daughter is 8 so I would spin her 8 times. I award the closest nose and the farthest nose!

Have fun!!

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