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Arena Rock

Welcome to the world of "Arena Rock."  What is "Arena Rock?" "Arena Rock" is what every rock n' roll musician aspires towards. "Arena Rock" is the reason why souls have been sold. The first time that term meant something to me was listening to the radio, one hot summer night, in 1986. I was over at a friend's house and for a laugh, we decided to listen to a radio program. A few weeks before there was this battle of the bands contest. As everyone knows, unless your brain dead, that these contests are fixed and the most talented band doesn't win.  It's all show and no go, if you know what I mean. Needless to say, the band that won had a guitarist that walked out in the crowd showing off his hammer on playing technique, while struttin' around in his spandex pants. The band's name was "No Exit." I wished they would have found one. An exit that is!

Anyways, I got a little off track. As I was saying before, me and Bob decided to listen to a radio spotlight that featured "No Exit." They played a couple of recordings from the band and then interviewed them. The host asked one of them how far did they wanna go in the music biz. One of them answered, "Gee I dunno, maybe if we tour around get better known, who knows maybe could play some Arena Rock!" Another member of the band echoed those same two words very softly, "Arena Rock!!!" So there you have it. That's what Arena Rock means, to No Exit anyways! Actually, I have a more concrete definition of Arena Rock. If you can drive up to the stage to unload your equipment, you are about to engage in "Arena Rock". Also, it has to be indoors as well! I will be updating this page every so often and I welcome creating links to other people who have "Arena Rock" stories to tell. Here are some links to some interesting stories.

My Arena Rock Stories

We were lean, green and ready to play rock n' roll at any cost!

Nipigon Revisited
It was the only way we could've redeemed ourselves!

The Fort William Gardens
The ultimate political forum on Canada Day!

They wanted to hear country, but we gave them more!  We gave them rock n' roll!


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