Monster Magnet opened-they sucked-no other comment necessary. Hole played first. I am a devout Hole fan-I did not go to see Manson. Of course the lights went dark-ohhhhhh. There was a recording of the opening in Credit in the Straight World-just the chanting part. Then they lights came on! The lighting was great there she was singing Violet. On first glance everyone knew how smashed she was. After Violet she chatted with the crowd a bit. Something to the effect of "Orange county has a reputation for being conservative" yeah right. Well she said stuff about Manson: "before the burning crosses come out and a bible is ripped I would just like to tell you that we are pulling out of this tour...sure it'll be great after us you'll get to see some guy's ass and maybe even his dick-but then again if you're good you might get to see some tits!"
They played the following songs (not in order): violet, she walks on me, celebrity skin, doll parts, miss world, dying, awful, boys on the radio, pretty on the inside, use once and destroy, reasons to be beautiful, malibu, and maybe some others. For an encore she covered some old song (i believe this song is a Bob Dylan cover called "Good Bye, Baby Blue," or something like that)-but she was so drunk that she kept slurring and she only sang the first line for about ten minutes. She was just fucking with the crowd. for an encore she also played northern star-the most amazing of the set and heaven tonight. She fell over once and the stage crew thought she was really hurt-luckily I guess she just preferred to play on her back. She talked about how "awful" was written about her relationship with Gavin Rossdale-before he hooked up with Gwen Stefani. It was funny-alot of chatting about how her and Drew Barrymore were so mean to Eric. She got the entire crowd to say "poor eric". She said that she liked playing for us as we were a good crowd.
Within the first few minutes she had thrown her shoes into the audience. By the end of her set there was little left of the sheer etherial dress she was wearing. She ripped it to pieces to give it to someone in the audience. Someone threw a Birkenstock at her and she started talking to the guy about "how I am bleeding now-but I am not going to be a pussy about it". She took over her shirt/dress often and was prancing around the speakers and crowd surfing and well you know-the usual Courtney.
At the end of her set she picked out some girl to give her guitar to. She made the girl promise not to sell it and told her she got the guitar because she was chunky just like Courtney when she was little. She told the prettier girls in the crowd to get basses so that they could be the next "melissas".
It is really to bad that she even attempted to tour with Manson. At least sixty percent of the crowd was there to see him so she didn't get half the credit or attention that she deserved. The sound was incredible-like she was in your lap-amazing Manson's performance was like a Broadway show rather than a rock show. he played mostly new stuff. He spent some time preaching and got the crowd to shout "we hate love, we love hate" Everyone knows all the little 12 year-olds that were screaming that went to church the next day. The show centered around Manson's hobby-coke. A big sign spelled out D-R-U-G-S-oh so entertaining. Well he's just an overpaid, self-righteous opportunist, but hell, he put on on quite a show.
Overall it is too bad less people had the opportunity to see Hole at Courtney's finest moments. Be sure to catch her when she tours later this year. Even if you pay more then the man-hole ticket price you will not be dissapointed!
**************************Sara************************* ********************************************************************